Wednesday, December 9, 2009

im so damn talented!!

hahahahaha.. berlagak sorang sorang nie..
syok sendiri.. biarlahhhhhh..
so today got so much spare time..
after aisyah and i went to pasar, di tgh panas terik,
saya telah membuat video ucapan selamat hari jadi..
well last year i did it by playing a piano,
this year im thinking of angklung..
but then i realized i dont have any angklung to play..
so ini tahun= wine glass.. heehoooo..
dh mcm sandra bullock dlm miss congeniality pulak hah..
started last year on december,
i've promised my self to do this kind of thing,
a video wish, for all the people i know..
upload it on facebook and just tag them..
kan senang tag tag tag tag.. hehehehe..
well enough say, have fun watching me with the glass..

p/s: sorry, i just dunno how to rotate the video..

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