Thursday, November 6, 2008


hahahaha.. padan muka puteri!! well, as u all know, i hate lipas, a lot!! geli je kot kaki kaki die yg menggerutu tu.. uwekkkk.. on the way up to our hse, ade la lipas kt pathway tu, me ask puteri sepak lipas tu, oooooooo die sepak ke blkg so dat the lipas will go to me la kn, but the thing is the lipas keja puteri instead.. hahaha.. gelak kuat2 la kn tgk puteri jumping jumping menari menari dgn lipas.. kihkihkih.. then i go tru, lipas tu duduk tepi, the time i pass the lipas suddenly lipas tu terbalik.. ???? hahaha.. laju sgt kh aku jalan sampai lipas tu terbalik?? hahahahaha.. to puteri, dun play play incik lipas ok..

1 comment:

puteri said...

hahaha...bodo btul lipas tuh...ntah ape2 kejar org balik...benci la...buat malu je menari kat situ...hahaha..:P patutnye lane yg patut menari...hahah