petang tadi pegi jenguk "the scarflet photo outing" ni..
semalam lepas pekene lychee ribena big gulp, batuk teruk..
tak leh bangun pagi, so datang afternoon session..
aku dah cakap dah, sediakan payung sebelom hujan.. haaaaaaa!!
bukan sebab hujan, panas terik nak mampos.. dehydrate habes la..
that's another reason why i'm not into model photoshoot, yg outdoor la..
PANASSSSSSSSSSSSS!! but hey, it was fun though..
sebab model model ni sume ceria riang gelak ketawa..
ada ramai sangat dalam group diorang nie.. all with beautiful hijabs on them..
what a beauty!! ya la, before this tengok tudung satu kaler..
tadi meriah, with their super gianourmous eye lashes, super cool man!!
diorang ni bloggers.. tapi sorry la, i dont know their link.. nanti dah tau i'll link it up..
dia seorang ja, gila kuasa betul nana ni la.. hahahaha..
by the way, this kind of photoshoot bring me to the whole new level of seeing things..
i dont know how to describe it, but the art of seeing ni susah skit nak terangkan..
whatever la!! yang pasti tadi meriah, colourful!!

baget arab la ni.. yapedaaaaa!! hahahaha!!

nana's white lashes!! ada banyak lagi, peacock type pun ada..

sorry la, yg ni tak berapa nak nampak all the lashes..
but they weresuperbly gorgeous i tell you!!
gila kentang pakai eye lashes besar besar,
pi food court selamber jek!!
owh, one of them tu looks familiar.. then tanya punya tanye,hahahaha!!
lindzia, kawan i, ada share this video, "hijab chill".. this girl buat video how to wear hijab..
gila cool.. memang terbahak bahak tengok.. tabik spring kat dia..
oh by the way, the girl name is maria..
nak tengok video tu, klik ni..
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