lama tak kumpul ramai ramai cam ni.. seronok je rasa..
some people might say, high school years dah over..
so tak nak berada di tokok yg lame, we need to move on and find new friends..
but hey, we do have friends all around the world..
tp percaya la, kawan kawan sekolah la yg paling best..
i cherish all my friends, so i dont mind seeing them everyday..
so here some pics of them, well picture courtesy of dayah's cam..
well, her camera but im the one who snap snap it..
dayah ni beli je camera canggeh canggeh, tp org lain yg kene pegang..
seriously, im in love with her sony nex cam.. superb..

farah's so adorable son.. qifqif!!

lindzia's rabbit face.. tahun arnab katanya.. hehe!!

si cin cin nk jd arnab jugak ke?? alololololo!!
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