Friday, January 14, 2011


Whatever you do in your career, you may be feeling the equivalent of "writers block". In other words, you are feeling uninspired. Maybe even bored with what you are doing. There is a saying that those who are bored are boring, and that's a choice. It's up to you to find your muse, and to seek out the inspiration to continue along your chosen path. This is simply a temporary roadblock, and one that many people face. If however, you believe you have taken the wrong path, it's time to be decisive and find and alternate route.

Well, as for me, i love what i'm doing right now. Never in my life had i imagine that i'm going to be a photographer one day. Today, here I am, standing tall with my head held high, i'm proud to call myself as a wedding photographer. Serious, studious and committed to whatever responsibilities i take on, i want to be known and respected for this. That doesn't mean, though, i'm not fun to work with. Trust me, i'm a clown. Not that red-nose clown, but a clown clown. You know what i mean, hehe! Put fun in everything you do, you're going to be just fine. Trust me!! Why they say "Life is a Roller coaster"? sebab, roller coaster tu FUN. Fun sampai nak tercabut jantung, turun naik darah. So, tanam dalam kepala, FUN FUN FUN!

Alamak dah subuh!! Solat, and nak short nap skit.. Good morning!! And in case i don't see you, good afternoon, good evening and good night!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

best kan duduk kat sawah.. nyaman!!

kelmarin(sunday) pi buat pre wedding photoshoot kat sekinchan, tg karang..
bestnye suasana kampung.. nyaman jek, sejukkkkkk..
pagi pagi kul 630 dah keluar rumah, ya la, tak nak miss matahari pagi..
collect vitamin d overdose kot hari tu.. haha.. naseb baek tak sun burn..
the pengantin to be is fazarul and su, nama diberi..
bagus diorang ni, dengar kata.. so easy measy woo..
agaknya kalau suruh diorang ni lompat dalam lecak pun sanggup..
tapi memang hakikat la ni, whatever photog cakap mesti org ikut..
macam kene pukau gitu.. kahkahkah.. korang ni, agak agak la..
luckily i was not so obses dengan korang, kalau tak mcm2 kene ni..
malas ah nak cite panjang, nah amek kau..
ni baget bercinta zaman pramlee ah ni.. hahaha..
jaga jaga cik salmah!!

p/s: terima kasih kepada makcik no name sebab kasi pinjam basikal tu..
lupe pulak nak mintak nama.. tak pa la makcik, jasamu dikenang!! ngeee!!

Sunday, January 9, 2011


title memang hangin habes, emo emo emo emo..
just came back from mempolish kereta..
ingatkan sorok kereta tak kene la spray like last year..
rupanya kene jugak even a week after my birthday..
tapi memang cari nahas la diorang ni, aku dah kata jangan..
so THE WAR IS ON babeh.. war towards kereta la..
kalau tuan badan memang setiap tahun pun kene spray..
tradisi turun temurun, memang spray tak leh elak la.. hehehe..
tak pasal pasal kene keluar duit rm120 td sebab nk hilangkan kesan..
dah la baru balik tangkap gambar, penat, diorang bleh plak buat hal..
kira birthday present la tu, polish and wax my wiski..
sape tak tau wiski is my car's name.. hehehehe..
apa pun thanks for the cake and all.. to kandar, bbq ko BEST!!
thanks sebab tinggalkan lana 2 lamb.. nyum nyum!!

diorang main spray, aku ada air mop lantai.. miahahaha!!

biasalah, mesti ada yg tak ikut arahan.. ngeeeee!!

nak pi menenangkan hati, sat gi kul 6pg nk kene bangun..
ade photoshoot kat sawah bendang.. boleh la menghijaukan mata..
tenang sikit perasaan yg terbakar ni..

owh btway, sape sape nk hire saya untuk tangkap gambar guna polaroid camera,
silakan!! saya boleh ja tangkapkan.. hehehe.. ptg semalam pi kerja pakai polaroid cam jek..

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

lama tak kumpul ramai ramai cam ni.. seronok je rasa..
some people might say, high school years dah over..
so tak nak berada di tokok yg lame, we need to move on and find new friends..
but hey, we do have friends all around the world..
tp percaya la, kawan kawan sekolah la yg paling best..
i cherish all my friends, so i dont mind seeing them everyday..
so here some pics of them, well picture courtesy of dayah's cam..
well, her camera but im the one who snap snap it..
dayah ni beli je camera canggeh canggeh, tp org lain yg kene pegang..
seriously, im in love with her sony nex cam.. superb..

farah's so adorable son.. qifqif!!

lindzia's rabbit face.. tahun arnab katanya.. hehe!!

si cin cin nk jd arnab jugak ke?? alololololo!!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Scarflet Photo Outing | Putrajaya

petang tadi pegi jenguk "the scarflet photo outing" ni..
semalam lepas pekene lychee ribena big gulp, batuk teruk..
tak leh bangun pagi, so datang afternoon session..
aku dah cakap dah, sediakan payung sebelom hujan.. haaaaaaa!!
bukan sebab hujan, panas terik nak mampos.. dehydrate habes la..
that's another reason why i'm not into model photoshoot, yg outdoor la..
PANASSSSSSSSSSSSS!! but hey, it was fun though..
sebab model model ni sume ceria riang gelak ketawa..
ada ramai sangat dalam group diorang nie.. all with beautiful hijabs on them..
what a beauty!! ya la, before this tengok tudung satu kaler..
tadi meriah, with their super gianourmous eye lashes, super cool man!!
diorang ni bloggers.. tapi sorry la, i dont know their link.. nanti dah tau i'll link it up..
datang ni pun sebab dah janji dengan chentanana nak tangkap gambar dia..
dia seorang ja, gila kuasa betul nana ni la.. hahahaha..
by the way, this kind of photoshoot bring me to the whole new level of seeing things..
i dont know how to describe it, but the art of seeing ni susah skit nak terangkan..
whatever la!! yang pasti tadi meriah, colourful!!
baget arab la ni.. yapedaaaaa!! hahahaha!!

nana's white lashes!! ada banyak lagi, peacock type pun ada..

sorry la, yg ni tak berapa nak nampak all the lashes..
but they weresuperbly gorgeous i tell you!!
gila kentang pakai eye lashes besar besar,
pi food court selamber jek!!

owh, one of them tu looks familiar.. then tanya punya tanye,hahahaha!!
lindzia, kawan i, ada share this video, "hijab chill".. this girl buat video how to wear hijab..
gila cool.. memang terbahak bahak tengok.. tabik spring kat dia..
oh by the way, the girl name is maria..
nak tengok video tu, klik ni..

Saturday, January 1, 2011


mulakan dengan bismillah, disudahi dengan alhamdulillah!!
any wrongs i have caused or been the victim of should be rectified..

ok, another entry about wedding.. the solemnization of nur and hazri..
namanya akad nikah, so all pun simple la kan.. a perfect white.. sweet sangat..
from the preparations to the food to the pengantin themselves, two thumbs up!!
tapi tok kadi.. bikin kaki ku kebas daaaaaa.. hehehehe..
well, the ceramah it's good for everybody la kan.. so no comment..
i guess i have nothing to say at the moment, so why not i sajikan gambar2..
the tok kadi layan tengok family photo dia jap, sumber inspirasi.. hahaha.. cool la wehhhh!!

sabar ya encik hazri.. biasalah, dugaannnnnn!!

owh ya, last night halmus rihzan and chenta nana belanja me steamboat for my birthday..
then on the way back we stopped at the side of the highway for the fireworks..
ok la the view, asalkan ada bunga api.. no need to berasak asak with all the people..

kesiannnnn kita nana.. bunga api tu jadi subjek.. tangan tak bendung betul la si halmus ni..

tengok!! lana tangkap okey je tau.. ngok shah!!

p/s: besok first time nak ikut halmus and chentanana for model photoshoot.. sediakan payung sebelom hujan!!