Thursday, April 30, 2009


wa sd dat she never tried golf-ing..
since today wa is on leave, so golfing we are, me wa and shah.. yeaaaaaa..
the new three stooges i guess.. kihkihkih..
how silly i am, teaching them and end up hitting the ball just a few meters away..
hahahahahahaha.. but hey, playing around and not focusing at all, itu la padahnye..
but when dat focus-thinggy popped out, im a pro..
not so pro la, 70 yards the longest.. kihkihkih..
at least i know how to hit the ball and make it go straight all the way,
not serong sana serong sini.. hahahahahahaha..
if the daddy saw me just now, woooooooo, im so dead..
enuff lana, u hv ECONOMETRIC in 2 days,
go and study ur arse now!!.. seriously, i mean it, NOW!!

wa oso not in focusing mode, gmbr sume blur jek!!

lana now transforming to study mode.. tirit tirit tet tet nettt tenet teret!!


iNtAn aIzaN said...

pegi blajar lah budak sekolah

Good Luck k :)

Lana Julana said...

hehehe.. saya genius.. berlagak seh!! hahahaha..