yesterday sgt memenatkn tp enjoy!! congratulation to nursyamimi anuar on her engagement.. aiseymennnnn, bertunang dh dia ni.. she's one of my bestfriend back then mase sekolah dulu.. geng beg kuning.. hahahaha.. mimie ni, never in her life, tak pernah tak tido dlm kelas.. confirm akan tido punye lah.. kihkihkih.. and oso, never in her life rasenye die akan siapkn her add math's homework.. every morning mesti nk pinjam from kita yg rajin neh.. yg salah pun die ikut jek, janji siap ya mimie.. kahkahkah.. btway mimie, lana rasekn, kalo ur make up artiste tu ade 10 rambu palsu, sume pun die bubuh kt kepala mimie.. hahahahaha.. anywesssss, the make up mmg cantek.. superb, two thumbs up to the make up-er.. mimie, ckp kt moksu hang, asam pedas die sedap wooooooo.. my peberet!!then later ard 6pm tergocoh2 to PD for another event, UNITEN's Grad Nite(course ape entah, lupe la plak).. gile meriah with the hawaiian nite's theme.. hoola hoola.. huhu.. the food mmg marvellous ah, tp lana x lalu nk mkn lah, perut dh sebu.. one thing i noticed, all the lecturer's, sporting habes lah.. students tak yah ckp la kn, mmg mlm tu diorg yg punya.. ade belly dancer wooooo, shah mmg tak berkelip la kn mata dia.. kahkahkah.. time limbo rock tak yah cakap la, kecoh.. sape yg menang tu, memang tererrrrrr!! oh ending mlm tu mmg coollllllll!! :-)

mane aci woooo, kwn tolong pegangkn!! hahaha..
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