hightlight of the day, dinner with the LDVies aka futsal team mate..
well some of them la, yang lain cant make it..
nevermind, there will be more outing in the future..
nak buat every month pun boleh.. semua orang kena makan kan..
the restaraunt's name, OLE OLE BALI.. nice place to dine..
makanan pun boleh tahan sedap, variety.. selera kita la..
this is the first time ive been here.. so sesat gak la nak sampai tu..
hahahaha.. hujan lebat, so tak nampak.. terlajak sampai penchala daaaaaa..
tak pa la, sesat dahulu tak rugi apa la.. think positive, hari ni konon malang..
besok tak malang la.. so, meaning malaysia champion la AFF Suzuki 2010..
owh well, based on previous game.. mula mula aku malang, then mlm tu kita menang!!
yabedabeduuuuuuuuu.. so boleh tido lena la sat gi, sbb dah tau besok menang..
hahahaha!! over confident betul la..
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