yes!! it was a very nice date, number what so ever..
but here in malaysia, boleh dikatakan "hari ini dalam sejarah"kot..
why?? because satu kemalangan ngeri berlaku later that evening roughly ard 630pm..
a bus terbabas, kebabommmmm!! 12 people died..
it's horrible, so tragic.. well, a lesson for us, "berhati hati di jalan raya"
anyway, enough about that.. let me bring you to a happy story..
101010, shaik and wahidah dinikahkan tepat at 1010am dgn 3 kali lafaz..
nasib baik tak 10 kali lafaz.. hahahaha.. a very nice wedding..
first time for me to shoot an indian culture kind of wedding..
indian muslim la tapi.. but still, with all the saris, lengga etc etc..
mmg terasa bagaikan dlm cerita bollywood.. huhu..
sgt colourful okay.. meriah gitu.. rasa mcm nak menari hindustan..
the bride and groom ni rasenye suke modelling kot..
senang je nk pose.. hehehe.. patik hanya perlu memetik ja..
hehehehe.. senang senang.. tak la penat otak..
enough say, enjoy a few pics of the day ok..


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