tp x dpt pegi bcos on call for a photoshoot..
hahahaha.. mcm doctor plak ade on call on call..
then the client said later petang, so me off to maksu's la..
then at 3pm pegi la menangkap gambar..
well, my client ni hobi terlampau byk..
and they want to share it with others..
so, tema pada hari ni ialah tangkap gambar hobi2 mereka..
hari ini naik motor and kapal terbang..
jakun skit masuk kokpit, tangan gatal jek nak tekan all the button..
have to set another appointment, let him sikat the kuda first..
baru boleh tangkap gambar.. hehehehe.. alahai, kuda kuda..
so itu kuda punya gambar, minggu depan jugak tangkap..
1 comment:
mcm kenal je model die nih..hahhaha..:P
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