pergh, last weekend sangat banyak wedding.. some of it as a guest and some of it as 'orang penting'.. snap snap la ape lagi kn.. huhu.. luckily im into weddings, so no stress at all.. got makan2 some more, apa nak bising kn.. hehehehe.. ya ya, i know, need to control myself.. but hey, i've lost 4 kilos in 10 days.. cool huh.. thee heeee.. i eat like usual, banyakkkkkk, and i go for badminton-ing and do some exercise, that's it.. waalaaaaaaaaaaa..
anyways, here some pictures for you to see.. especially farra.. yes farra, you.. hahaha.. iera will definitely kill me for posting her pics.. ala iera, sikit jek.. thee heeee!! owh owh, farra nak tau tak, iera malu2 tangkap gambar dgn haikal, especially pose manja2.. hahahahaha!! one more thing, she cried mase family dia nak blk mase kt side haikal tu.. menangis betul2, not just sikit2 but betul2 teresak2.. padahal shah alam and ttdi tu not that far la kn.. kihkihkih..

hang dah kurus ke Lana
ajarlah aku camne nak kurus
mcam di pam2 badan aku nie
hahahaha.. x de la kurus.. nk maintain kn jek blk.. the other day, naik 7 kilo mendadak, so terkejut la kn.. hahahaha.. saye bersukan hari2.. itu lah rahsianya.. ni pun br jek blk from bersukan.. ptg futsal, then mlm sambung badminton.. tercabut kaki ni hah.. hahahaha!!
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