then after finished shooting at eryn's hse, me shah n wa went to visit apiz.. good news, he still can walk, but it will take 1-2mths to recover.. sokay apiz, u can do it.. hr nie he can pusing2 his badan, but a bit sakit la.. well at least no need la kitorg nk kene angkat die if die gelongsor the katil.. he can pull himself up.. go apiz!! huhu..
if smlm nya nikah, of cos la hr nie bersanding kn.. huhu.. so again, me and shah went to eryn's hse for her bersanding event.. from the make up to the pelamin, all perfect.. superb.. chantek.. as wat eryn sd, "make up yg cantek ke, or mmg pengantin yg cantek??".. duhhhhhhhhh.. ye la ye la, amek la.. eryn yg cantek.. kalo semalam mcm ekin mawi, today mcm kris dayanti.. huhu.. here's some pics!!

gud job beb...macam nak sanding lagi jer...huwaa....
tgk name, intan?? khairy?? sape neh?? tp bile tgk amann, sounds familiar.. ya betol.. dh agak dh.. huhu.. nk sanding lg bleh jek.. hehehe..
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