Sunday, March 29, 2009

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
ini last week punya cerita!! saya ade seorg kwn yg bernama farah.. sejak dulu lg saye tau die ni mmg sgt emosi.. emosi die neh, ya rabbi, x bertempat.. saya sgt memahami perangai die itu.. masih terngiang di telinga saya, farah: "korg kene terima baik buruk perangai aku".. tp farah, the rules not goes for u only, kami nie?? u hv to understand dis, kite dh lama kawan.. and u shud hv known dis, yg kami nie mmg x suka tepon2 org, sms-ing org, apa tah lg dtg melawat secara tiba2.. so, next time if u want anything, u just say it out loud boleh tak?? im saying dis for me, yg lain tak terlibat langsung.. but the think is, i did sms-ed u and u reply nothing.. ya ya, u did replied saying dat u warded at ampang puteri.. but then when i asked u why, u diam jek.. and mase tu pulak lana mmg tgh rushing gile nk kejar masa.. ko pun tau kn aku dr dulu mmg x suka tepon2.. aku suke sms jekkkkkkkk.. x slhkn ko bg tau jek ko cirit birit smpi kene thn kt hospital.. boleh la aku jawab, "im going to kedah in half an hour, blk on sunday, nnt blk aku dtg tgk ko ok".. ha x de la ko rase mcm tersisih kn.. entah la farah, lana dh tak bleh berpikir dh pasal nie.. sape yg terasa2 tu, buang jauh2 la.. dh penuh inbox dh nie..
berbalik kpd kepemergianku ke kedah.. went there for hayree's side.. of cos wedding la kn.. duhhhhhh.. nk cite sikit neh.. kt kedah nie, byk jugak bende aku kene buat.. photographer cum driver cum pentouch up skit2 the hantaran cum tukang angkat kasut cum cum cum cum cum.. hahahaha.. bak kate pengantin perempuan, "kite nie sedara kn lana!!".. hahaha.. x gitu puan eryn!! thee heeeee.. anyways, i enjoy working with u guys.. nk cite pasal eryn nie, kerek die bleh thn gak la.. hahahaha.. lawak lawak.. pagi masa event tu, die call hayree si pengantin lelaki.. si hayree nie tak angkat tepon, si eryn ni pun ckp la.. "apsal x angkt fon nie, die ingat sape kawen hr nie, kawan die agaknye!!".. hahahaha.. ade lg.. time die tgh iron baju, "gosok bagai nk rak, baju kedut2 jugak, iron nie panas ke?? hati aku pulak yg panas nie!!".. adehhhh, gelak guling2 aku dibuatnye.. yg si hayree plak setiap kali kite suh posing, die kaku.. memanjang dok ckp.. "tak biasa buat, maklumlah tak pernah kawen".. hahahaha.. kelam kabut die bleh thn gak la.. dgn pakai baju terbaliknya.. kahkahkah.. ya rabbi, byk nk cite psl diorg neh, tp x tertulis, byk sgt.. kelakar sgt.. tp layanan diorg mmg tip top.. perut saye sentiasa kenyang.. bila kenyang, hati pun senang.. hehehehehe!!! mak aih, mcm karangan plak.. sudah sudah, nah tgk gmbr skit.. skit jek, nk byk2 gi tgk kt fotopages.. tp lmbt skit ah, x abes edit lg.. :-)

Thursday, March 19, 2009
3 weeks in a row, the saga buat hal.. hish..
naseb baek lah org tak balik ikut jln rawang..
kalo tidak, tersadai tepi jln dgn all the beruks.. kihkihkih..
so malas to type la, share gmbr2 je la..
tp yg latest rosak x de tgkp gmbr, terlupa..
x lupa, tp takut nk klua kete.. haha!!
@ kde after badminton-ing with baby.. mechanic saye sgt hensem!!
at uni.. pg2 dh buat hal.. lari pecut nk gi kelas..
mechanic hensem kt kl, so ah wai pun ah wai la..
time nie ade wayar terbakar, habes battery yg br seminggu tukar!
yesterday otw back from uni ade sangat dasyat accident,
the other side ade kete terbakar, yg ni terbalik.. huish!!
nama pet shop, tp kedai jual baju pengantin!! ???????
typical human being.. dh kate di larang buang sampah,
tp sampah berlambak jugak!!
kalo tidak, tersadai tepi jln dgn all the beruks.. kihkihkih..
so malas to type la, share gmbr2 je la..
tp yg latest rosak x de tgkp gmbr, terlupa..
x lupa, tp takut nk klua kete.. haha!!
mechanic hensem kt kl, so ah wai pun ah wai la..
time nie ade wayar terbakar, habes battery yg br seminggu tukar!

the other side ade kete terbakar, yg ni terbalik.. huish!!
tp sampah berlambak jugak!!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
then after finished shooting at eryn's hse, me shah n wa went to visit apiz.. good news, he still can walk, but it will take 1-2mths to recover.. sokay apiz, u can do it.. hr nie he can pusing2 his badan, but a bit sakit la.. well at least no need la kitorg nk kene angkat die if die gelongsor the katil.. he can pull himself up.. go apiz!! huhu..
if smlm nya nikah, of cos la hr nie bersanding kn.. huhu.. so again, me and shah went to eryn's hse for her bersanding event.. from the make up to the pelamin, all perfect.. superb.. chantek.. as wat eryn sd, "make up yg cantek ke, or mmg pengantin yg cantek??".. duhhhhhhhhh.. ye la ye la, amek la.. eryn yg cantek.. kalo semalam mcm ekin mawi, today mcm kris dayanti.. huhu.. here's some pics!!

then after finished shooting at eryn's hse, me shah n wa went to visit apiz.. good news, he still can walk, but it will take 1-2mths to recover.. sokay apiz, u can do it.. hr nie he can pusing2 his badan, but a bit sakit la.. well at least no need la kitorg nk kene angkat die if die gelongsor the katil.. he can pull himself up.. go apiz!! huhu..
if smlm nya nikah, of cos la hr nie bersanding kn.. huhu.. so again, me and shah went to eryn's hse for her bersanding event.. from the make up to the pelamin, all perfect.. superb.. chantek.. as wat eryn sd, "make up yg cantek ke, or mmg pengantin yg cantek??".. duhhhhhhhhh.. ye la ye la, amek la.. eryn yg cantek.. kalo semalam mcm ekin mawi, today mcm kris dayanti.. huhu.. here's some pics!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009
0900: sat for CRM's paper.. dem susah..
1400: went to anom's wedding.. sorry la anom, forgot to bring along the baju kurung, so im wearing a so not proper attire to your event.. baju budak sekolah.. hahaha.. jeans and tshirt sgt rock okayyy.. anom sgt cantek dan tinggi.. dem dem dem.. too lazy to bring the camera so there's no pics la.. huhu..
2000: went to bandar utama for eryn & heyree's akad nikah.. klik klik klik.. sambil tgk henfon kot kot ade missed call ke, sms ke.. x de pun.. hmmmm, dlm otak dok pikir, kalo diam je henfon ni, maknenye man utd tgh kalah.. hahahaha..
2240: received sms from my brother, pini.. liv 4 - mu 1.. hahahaha.. keriangan tak terhingga.. si shah aka the assistant hanya mampu mencarut carut.. kahkahkah.. sabar shah..
as ejaz sd, mu are too confident, over confident in fact.. 4 goals through those bloody expensive defenders and goal keeper worth $200 millions.. so not worth it kot.. hahahaha.. ini yg mampu sir alex ferguson ckp, "It is a hard one to take because I felt we were the better team".. duuuhhhhhhhh.. better team konon, amek kauuuu!! btway, to watch the highlight of the match, klik here..
2000: went to bandar utama for eryn & heyree's akad nikah.. klik klik klik.. sambil tgk henfon kot kot ade missed call ke, sms ke.. x de pun.. hmmmm, dlm otak dok pikir, kalo diam je henfon ni, maknenye man utd tgh kalah.. hahahaha..
2240: received sms from my brother, pini.. liv 4 - mu 1.. hahahaha.. keriangan tak terhingga.. si shah aka the assistant hanya mampu mencarut carut.. kahkahkah.. sabar shah..
as ejaz sd, mu are too confident, over confident in fact.. 4 goals through those bloody expensive defenders and goal keeper worth $200 millions.. so not worth it kot.. hahahaha.. ini yg mampu sir alex ferguson ckp, "It is a hard one to take because I felt we were the better team".. duuuhhhhhhhh.. better team konon, amek kauuuu!! btway, to watch the highlight of the match, klik here..
Friday, March 13, 2009
"dukacita menyatakan hakim masuk hospital..
dia skrg berada di tawakal setapak..
dia skrg x boleh bergerak.."
dia skrg x boleh bergerak.."
terkejut beruk bace sms from kandar.. dh la mamai2 lg.. a bit confused pun ade jugak.. apiz diserang sakit saraf.. he cant walk or even sit.. ya allah, sembuhkn lah kawan aku sorang neh.. so guys, pls lah ya, if badan tak dapat menerima kepenatan, anything can go wrong.. sihat mcm mane pun, kalau nk jd, jd la dia.. do not force ur self.. to farra radz, jgn la asyik nanges jek, kitorg risau plak awak asyik nanges jek.. apiz kuat, he'll be fine.. to iera, pls lah hiburkn cik farra kite tu ya.. saye dh x larat nk menghiburkn die.. hehehe.. to apiz(kalo apiz bace la), angkat la lagi besi berat2 tuh.. awak tu dh la nk kawen, cari nahas btul tau.. hish.. well, no worries mate, kami kawan2 akan tolong apiz utk duduk bangun dan berjalan semula.. slowly slowly ok.. me dayah and mang went to visit apiz later the evening.. met mama n mama sd apiz now pegi buat MRI.. while waiting for him, all of us pegi cafe minum2 jap, gossip2 jap.. hahaha.. sempat lagi tuh.. mama pun join bergossip.. theee heeee.. hours later apiz pun blk..
still can smile.. hmmmm, inside, who knows??
btway, dat blue thingy, itu tmpt kencing.. ewwwwww..
btway, dat blue thingy, itu tmpt kencing.. ewwwwww..
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
my skin getting darker n darker!! arghhhh, tension..
panas sgt la kt ladang neh.. bukan nk merungut, tp mmg panas sgt..
pokok pun tak tinggi2 lagi nak tumpang berteduh.. haishhh!!
btway, renewed the passport oredi..
europe, here i come!!!! hip hip hoorayyyyy!!
panas sgt la kt ladang neh.. bukan nk merungut, tp mmg panas sgt..
pokok pun tak tinggi2 lagi nak tumpang berteduh.. haishhh!!
btway, renewed the passport oredi..
europe, here i come!!!! hip hip hoorayyyyy!!
Monday, March 9, 2009
congrats to kak norgee.. finally u r married now.. hehehehe.. happy newlyweds ya, no more gado2 tau.. try to compliment each other tau.. well as always, kenduri kawen la br dpt jumpe kawan2.. dan spt biase, dis question dh mcm basi plak aku dgr kt majlis kawen orang2, "she's married now, so when's urs??".. duhhhhhhhhhh.. hellooooo, u guys are older than me.. it's a fact, so korg jalan dulu ya.. huhu.. it's just not my time yet, wait n see k.. :-) ni kwn2 mase diploma dulu.. just a few yg jumpe, yg lain me no see..
Friday, March 6, 2009
got a tix, but can not go!! arghhhhhhhhh..
why why why why!! kenapa kena ade test!!
so dengki la lecturer nehhhhhh!! sgt marahhhhhh!!!
watched tons of his live in kl vids on youtube, dangggg!!!
btway, test result=A.. theee heeee.. naseb baek!!
if not, double menyesal x pegi the concert..
why why why why!! kenapa kena ade test!!
so dengki la lecturer nehhhhhh!! sgt marahhhhhh!!!
watched tons of his live in kl vids on youtube, dangggg!!!
btway, test result=A.. theee heeee.. naseb baek!!
if not, double menyesal x pegi the concert..
Monday, March 2, 2009
kpd yg sms saye suh saye update blog neh, kelakar la korg neh, siap sms.. do i need to write down watever bende yg saye buat hari2?? i dun think so.. nnt korg bosan bace.. hehehehe.. ok la, i'll try my best to update my blog every 3 days, ok?? hehehehe.. kite bincangkn topik semasa ke, or ape2 la.. hahaha..
btway, i wanna share with u guys something.. saye sgt berbangga dgn diri sendiri.. hehe.. sepanjang saye hidup neh, ade 2 bende jek yg org selalu akan mntk tolong kt saye, photography and maths.. walaupun saye nie suke main2kn org, but for dis 2 things, mereka2 ini sgt percayakn saye.. walaupun saya bg jawapan yg salah, mereka ttp percaya.. hahahaha.. saya sgt bersukur krn dikurniakan bakat dlm bidang tersebut, at least i hv something to contribute dlm kehidupan neh.. hehehe..
bile cite pasal maths, terus teringat psl teacher sharon.. she's my home tutor.. i think she's the one yg menyebabkn saye pandai dlm maths.. satu hari home work kasik 5 6 sets, gile.. and pasal maths jugak, i still can remember how my trial exam paper bleh di pass2 kn ke belakang supaya budak2 bleh tiru my answer.. hahaha.. actually i gave my answer sheet to apiz, then after a while toleh la blk kt apiz nk mntk my paper back, then die tunjuk kt blkg, and that belakang is betol2 jauh ke belakang.. hahahaha.. terkejut la kn, dh la cikgu dh nk dtg kutip jawapan, cuak nk mati.. bodowwwwww!! hahahahaha!!
psl photography plak.. hmmm, i guess dis one turun temurun from my dad.. ayah suke kamera2 neh, mcm2 jenis kamera die ade, so im the one yg selalu belek kamera2 my dad tu.. dr kecik mmg suke kamera, smpi mak naik mrh sbb kene cuci byk sgt gmbr, dan sume gmbr2 tu plak x de kene mengena dgn org2 yg kitorg kenal.. hahaha.. ye la, dulu mane de digital, pki kodak kn, x bleh nk delete2.. hehehe.. koleksi gmbr2 kt sekolah pun lana ada byk, lana je yg rajin bwk kamera.. dr sekolah laaaa mmg gmbr lana x byk, asyik gmbr kwn2 jek.. benci ahhh kt korggggggggggg!! masuk kolej plak, tgkp tgkp gmbr then jual sekeping 60sen.. hehehehe.. well of cos la lana jual it to the person yg i tgkp gmbr die kn.. kengkadang tu gmbr curik2, that person tgh mkn ke, minum ke, tido ke.. hehehehe..
and now, i still good in maths(boleh la setakat nk suruh tambah tolak darab pki otak) and still improving my skills in photography.. and i just love wedding photography.. dlm wedding ni kite bleh jumpe byk emosi, good bad happy sad sume ade.. penuh warna warni.. kalo org tanye mane saye belajar wedding photography ni, saye ckp, "saye belajar sendiri2, then ikut org especially abg faja n kak nissa, then tgk website org jek".. i know nothing bout it, but alhamdullilah, the first ever job dulu tu, the pics turn ot to be good(for me la), then from that moment, i keep on going keep on learning keep on study on wedding photography..
btway, i wanna share with u guys something.. saye sgt berbangga dgn diri sendiri.. hehe.. sepanjang saye hidup neh, ade 2 bende jek yg org selalu akan mntk tolong kt saye, photography and maths.. walaupun saye nie suke main2kn org, but for dis 2 things, mereka2 ini sgt percayakn saye.. walaupun saya bg jawapan yg salah, mereka ttp percaya.. hahahaha.. saya sgt bersukur krn dikurniakan bakat dlm bidang tersebut, at least i hv something to contribute dlm kehidupan neh.. hehehe..
bile cite pasal maths, terus teringat psl teacher sharon.. she's my home tutor.. i think she's the one yg menyebabkn saye pandai dlm maths.. satu hari home work kasik 5 6 sets, gile.. and pasal maths jugak, i still can remember how my trial exam paper bleh di pass2 kn ke belakang supaya budak2 bleh tiru my answer.. hahaha.. actually i gave my answer sheet to apiz, then after a while toleh la blk kt apiz nk mntk my paper back, then die tunjuk kt blkg, and that belakang is betol2 jauh ke belakang.. hahahaha.. terkejut la kn, dh la cikgu dh nk dtg kutip jawapan, cuak nk mati.. bodowwwwww!! hahahahaha!!
psl photography plak.. hmmm, i guess dis one turun temurun from my dad.. ayah suke kamera2 neh, mcm2 jenis kamera die ade, so im the one yg selalu belek kamera2 my dad tu.. dr kecik mmg suke kamera, smpi mak naik mrh sbb kene cuci byk sgt gmbr, dan sume gmbr2 tu plak x de kene mengena dgn org2 yg kitorg kenal.. hahaha.. ye la, dulu mane de digital, pki kodak kn, x bleh nk delete2.. hehehe.. koleksi gmbr2 kt sekolah pun lana ada byk, lana je yg rajin bwk kamera.. dr sekolah laaaa mmg gmbr lana x byk, asyik gmbr kwn2 jek.. benci ahhh kt korggggggggggg!! masuk kolej plak, tgkp tgkp gmbr then jual sekeping 60sen.. hehehehe.. well of cos la lana jual it to the person yg i tgkp gmbr die kn.. kengkadang tu gmbr curik2, that person tgh mkn ke, minum ke, tido ke.. hehehehe..
and now, i still good in maths(boleh la setakat nk suruh tambah tolak darab pki otak) and still improving my skills in photography.. and i just love wedding photography.. dlm wedding ni kite bleh jumpe byk emosi, good bad happy sad sume ade.. penuh warna warni.. kalo org tanye mane saye belajar wedding photography ni, saye ckp, "saye belajar sendiri2, then ikut org especially abg faja n kak nissa, then tgk website org jek".. i know nothing bout it, but alhamdullilah, the first ever job dulu tu, the pics turn ot to be good(for me la), then from that moment, i keep on going keep on learning keep on study on wedding photography..
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