wooooooo.. im getting younger.. yes lahhh!!
so, i just came back from farra's hse..
this week gonna be so hectic man..
last night was her "berinai" day..
tonight her "tukar2 baju" day..
tomorrow her "akad nikah" day..
but before that, early in the morning,
it's her "mandi beradat and qatam quran"..
day after tomorrow her "sanding" day..
no hols for me, even on my birthday..
haish, story of my life..
btway, as usual, birthday girl mesti kene la kn..
hahahaha.. birthday girl, tak bleh blah..
since there's only farra and dayah's around,
i thought there's gonna be no prank whatsoever..
ya rabbi, 2 org pun diorg bleh bikin kerja la..
even my lovely miss wiski(my car) kene spray okeeeee..
hehehehe.. whatever it is, i love you!!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
makkkk aiiiiiiii!!
wahwahwah.. gila lama tak update.. heehooo..
buat buat bz la tu.. hahahaha..
biaselah, musim org kawen!!
nk update ape ek?? hmmmm, nothing spesel..
cept for the past few weeks sibuk dgn org kawen..
owh, the mother sudah selamat pulang from mecca..
alhamdulillah, syukur..
the leg belum fully recover, so im officialy si tempang..
bile nk amek gmbr low angle, huiyoooooo, azab!!
demi agama bangsa dan negara, akan ku redah segalanya..
ok la, let me update u all with some pics from the past event..
Azrul & Siti - December 11th, 12th & 13th (Banting & KL)
-tok kadi sgt la lawak, speedy gonzales!!
-saye suh pengantin baling gula2 kt saye konon2 nk capture gmbr gula2 tu,
x tau la pulak gula2 tu sumi@chumi, mcm kene batu!!
-ade kfc woooooo, gile best!!
-majlis start awal, kul 2 dh lengang.. goyang kaki la beb!! hehe!!
-yg kt kl punye majlis plak, ramai la pulak org yg saye kenal..
(ke saye yg femes??) hahahahaha!!
-kuah asam memang terbaek oooooooo, sgt suke!!
-to the bride and groom, terime kaseh la ya!! both of u sgt la cool!!
Izzany & Yusri - December 12th (Kg.Pengantin, KL)
-ya, havoc dan gamat suasana
-belum habes lelah kt banting, tambah lelah kt sini..
-kawan2 ku jd model sambilan.. hahaha!!
-pengantin ditinggalkn family sesudahnya majlis habes..
kt parking lot ada kete saye jek, so saye la kene hntr diorg blk.. hahaha
-to pat & yus, congrats!!
-to kg. pengantin, saye x cukup mkn, waiter kamu x nk tmbh utk saye..
then dalam air saye ade rambut.. booooooooooooooooooo!!

Ju & Mizi - December 19th (Banting)
-the groom sgt la suka gelak
-the bride pulak sgt suka gelak jugak la..
-the photographer(saye la tu), sgt suka gelak jugak..
-nk posing malu malu, tampar kangggg!!
-pengantin punye excited, ayah ju tgh berucap,
time tu jugak diorg nk cium dahi, pakai rantai, cincin etc..
-rileksss la braderrrrr!! hahahahaha..

Deq Ya & Aie - December 20th & 26th (Batu Pahat & KL)
-make up artist die sangat lawa okeeeeee!! body hot gile..
-bertolak from kl kul 530pg, karaoke sorg2 dlm kete!!
-nenek2 deq ya suka karaoke and menari..
hahahaha.. sakan gile bergoyang.. best best!!
-owh, make up artist tu lelaki, tapiiiiiiiiiiii...
-event kt kl plak simple but nice.. back drop cantek..
-bridal buat havoc la, ade ke pengantin x de crown and keris bagai2..
ish ish ish.. naseb ade jugak last minute!! perghhhh!!
-pengantin seperti dipukau, suh buat ape je diorg buat..
-otdoor merangkap indoor kat heritage hotel=mencabar!!
Hajare & Nizam - December 25th & 27th (KL & Janda Baik)
-sape kate majlis simple x menarek??
-i loikeeeeeeeeee!!
-the bride sudah kasi warning awal2, nizam ni shy shy..
-tapi, tak pun.. nizam posing kalah hajare okeeeee!!
-hmmmm, crew for hajar's wedding digelar crew malas!!
-from the make up artist to the photographer to the pengapit,
MALAS!!.. hahahahahahahaha!!
-bkn malas ah, kami cool!! kate fren fren.. rilek rilek la..
-tema=gelak ketawa!! (gmbr sume nk tunjuk gigi)
-reception at janda baik mmg unik.. mcm pegi camping!!

p/s: for more picture, check my fotopages/flickr..
but not now la, tahun depan!! :-)
buat buat bz la tu.. hahahaha..
biaselah, musim org kawen!!
nk update ape ek?? hmmmm, nothing spesel..
cept for the past few weeks sibuk dgn org kawen..
owh, the mother sudah selamat pulang from mecca..
alhamdulillah, syukur..
the leg belum fully recover, so im officialy si tempang..
bile nk amek gmbr low angle, huiyoooooo, azab!!
demi agama bangsa dan negara, akan ku redah segalanya..
ok la, let me update u all with some pics from the past event..
Azrul & Siti - December 11th, 12th & 13th (Banting & KL)
-tok kadi sgt la lawak, speedy gonzales!!
-saye suh pengantin baling gula2 kt saye konon2 nk capture gmbr gula2 tu,
x tau la pulak gula2 tu sumi@chumi, mcm kene batu!!
-ade kfc woooooo, gile best!!
-majlis start awal, kul 2 dh lengang.. goyang kaki la beb!! hehe!!
-yg kt kl punye majlis plak, ramai la pulak org yg saye kenal..
(ke saye yg femes??) hahahahaha!!
-kuah asam memang terbaek oooooooo, sgt suke!!
-to the bride and groom, terime kaseh la ya!! both of u sgt la cool!!
-ya, havoc dan gamat suasana
-belum habes lelah kt banting, tambah lelah kt sini..
-kawan2 ku jd model sambilan.. hahaha!!
-pengantin ditinggalkn family sesudahnya majlis habes..
kt parking lot ada kete saye jek, so saye la kene hntr diorg blk.. hahaha
-to pat & yus, congrats!!
-to kg. pengantin, saye x cukup mkn, waiter kamu x nk tmbh utk saye..
then dalam air saye ade rambut.. booooooooooooooooooo!!

-the groom sgt la suka gelak
-the bride pulak sgt suka gelak jugak la..
-the photographer(saye la tu), sgt suka gelak jugak..
-nk posing malu malu, tampar kangggg!!
-pengantin punye excited, ayah ju tgh berucap,
time tu jugak diorg nk cium dahi, pakai rantai, cincin etc..
-rileksss la braderrrrr!! hahahahaha..

-make up artist die sangat lawa okeeeeee!! body hot gile..
-bertolak from kl kul 530pg, karaoke sorg2 dlm kete!!
-nenek2 deq ya suka karaoke and menari..
hahahaha.. sakan gile bergoyang.. best best!!
-owh, make up artist tu lelaki, tapiiiiiiiiiiii...
-event kt kl plak simple but nice.. back drop cantek..
-bridal buat havoc la, ade ke pengantin x de crown and keris bagai2..
ish ish ish.. naseb ade jugak last minute!! perghhhh!!
-pengantin seperti dipukau, suh buat ape je diorg buat..
-otdoor merangkap indoor kat heritage hotel=mencabar!!

-sape kate majlis simple x menarek??
-i loikeeeeeeeeee!!
-the bride sudah kasi warning awal2, nizam ni shy shy..
-tapi, tak pun.. nizam posing kalah hajare okeeeee!!
-hmmmm, crew for hajar's wedding digelar crew malas!!
-from the make up artist to the photographer to the pengapit,
MALAS!!.. hahahahahahahaha!!
-bkn malas ah, kami cool!! kate fren fren.. rilek rilek la..
-tema=gelak ketawa!! (gmbr sume nk tunjuk gigi)
-reception at janda baik mmg unik.. mcm pegi camping!!

but not now la, tahun depan!! :-)
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
im so damn talented!!
hahahahaha.. berlagak sorang sorang nie..
syok sendiri.. biarlahhhhhh..
so today got so much spare time..
after aisyah and i went to pasar, di tgh panas terik,
saya telah membuat video ucapan selamat hari jadi..
well last year i did it by playing a piano,
this year im thinking of angklung..
but then i realized i dont have any angklung to play..
so ini tahun= wine glass.. heehoooo..
dh mcm sandra bullock dlm miss congeniality pulak hah..
started last year on december,
i've promised my self to do this kind of thing,
a video wish, for all the people i know..
upload it on facebook and just tag them..
kan senang tag tag tag tag.. hehehehe..
well enough say, have fun watching me with the glass..
p/s: sorry, i just dunno how to rotate the video..
syok sendiri.. biarlahhhhhh..
so today got so much spare time..
after aisyah and i went to pasar, di tgh panas terik,
saya telah membuat video ucapan selamat hari jadi..
well last year i did it by playing a piano,
this year im thinking of angklung..
but then i realized i dont have any angklung to play..
so ini tahun= wine glass.. heehoooo..
dh mcm sandra bullock dlm miss congeniality pulak hah..
started last year on december,
i've promised my self to do this kind of thing,
a video wish, for all the people i know..
upload it on facebook and just tag them..
kan senang tag tag tag tag.. hehehehe..
well enough say, have fun watching me with the glass..
p/s: sorry, i just dunno how to rotate the video..
Sunday, December 6, 2009
semalam pegi bahau for farah and asni's wedding..
kali ni kt side asni pulak.. pegi dgn farra and dayah..
chap and nina dah pegi hr jumaat lagi..
masa nk blk farah menanges, konon2 ditinggal family..
hahahahahaha.. kesiannnnn.. gelakkn dia.. hahaha..
jgn pukul aku lg, ko pukul kuat.. sakit ngeng..
kalau dah namanya kawan2 yg ikut, habeslah kamera aku..
penuh gmbr diorg sampai terlupa kt pengantin.. kihkihkih..
cam whore btul la korg nie.. pegi main jauh2 la..
habis la shutter count aku.. ces!!
then bergegas blk kl, takut lmbt..
for tita's bday party at atok's hse..
alahai si kecik ni dh setahun hah..
december 4th is the date, celebrate lewat skit..
opah x de nk celebrate same, pegi haji la..
tita tunggu opah balik, nnt kite beli kek ade muka tita okeee..
mama na sayang tita!! muahhhhh!!
kali ni kt side asni pulak.. pegi dgn farra and dayah..
chap and nina dah pegi hr jumaat lagi..
masa nk blk farah menanges, konon2 ditinggal family..
hahahahahaha.. kesiannnnn.. gelakkn dia.. hahaha..
jgn pukul aku lg, ko pukul kuat.. sakit ngeng..
kalau dah namanya kawan2 yg ikut, habeslah kamera aku..
penuh gmbr diorg sampai terlupa kt pengantin.. kihkihkih..
cam whore btul la korg nie.. pegi main jauh2 la..
habis la shutter count aku.. ces!!
then bergegas blk kl, takut lmbt..
for tita's bday party at atok's hse..
alahai si kecik ni dh setahun hah..
december 4th is the date, celebrate lewat skit..
opah x de nk celebrate same, pegi haji la..
tita tunggu opah balik, nnt kite beli kek ade muka tita okeee..
mama na sayang tita!! muahhhhh!!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Selamat Hari Raya Haji
so this year sambut raya kt singapore..
ikut my eldest brother blk kampung mertuanya..
raya is raya la kn, semua same jek..
but i guess dr segi makanan je lain kot..
sbb ade macaroni.. huhu.. tp mknn mmg byk ah..
kpd rakyat sgpore, terime kasehhhhh!!
after 3 nights in sgpore then off to pontian..
for widad and azhan's wedding..
huiyooooo, memang pekat jawa wooooo..
sekali diorg speaking jawa, mmg x paham..
time diorg gelak kite gelak je la, konon2 paham..
on the way back to kl jalan sesak mcm haram..
ejaz bwk kete all the way, kesian..
org offer nk bwk kete kate x payah.. (offer x ikhlas pun)
hehehe.. sbb sendiri penat longlai..
tgh syok syok melayan gk kiri kanan, sekali "BANG"!
org blkg langgar daaaa.. ejaz dgn baju melayunya klua kete,
konon2 YB sgt la.. hahahaha.. pkck yg langgar tu muka innocent..
die tertido rupenye.. naseb baek tertido time kete tgh benti..
cuba kalau mase laju2, huish, tido terus la ko nmpknye..
salam salam, kete dua2 ok, so sambung blk duduk dlm kete layan sesak..
dh smpi rumah, sume collapse, gone!!
ikut my eldest brother blk kampung mertuanya..
raya is raya la kn, semua same jek..
but i guess dr segi makanan je lain kot..
sbb ade macaroni.. huhu.. tp mknn mmg byk ah..
kpd rakyat sgpore, terime kasehhhhh!!
after 3 nights in sgpore then off to pontian..
for widad and azhan's wedding..
huiyooooo, memang pekat jawa wooooo..
sekali diorg speaking jawa, mmg x paham..
time diorg gelak kite gelak je la, konon2 paham..
on the way back to kl jalan sesak mcm haram..
ejaz bwk kete all the way, kesian..
org offer nk bwk kete kate x payah.. (offer x ikhlas pun)
hehehe.. sbb sendiri penat longlai..
tgh syok syok melayan gk kiri kanan, sekali "BANG"!
org blkg langgar daaaa.. ejaz dgn baju melayunya klua kete,
konon2 YB sgt la.. hahahaha.. pkck yg langgar tu muka innocent..
die tertido rupenye.. naseb baek tertido time kete tgh benti..
cuba kalau mase laju2, huish, tido terus la ko nmpknye..
salam salam, kete dua2 ok, so sambung blk duduk dlm kete layan sesak..
dh smpi rumah, sume collapse, gone!!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
perghhhhhh.. kepenatan dan kepuasan yg maksima..
ni br sampai from bahau, negeri sembilan..
for majlis widad dan azhan..
bertolak around 4am, dgn bantuan cik garminah aka garmin..
cik garminah mengantok la, die bengong pg2 buta..
chis, bedebah.. naseb baek tak lost..
si halmus pun agak lost jugak la, chit..
huiyooo, time kat bukit putus tu, cuak sehhhh..
dalam kepala tak putus putus berdoa..
nasib baek ade agak byk kereta, kalau tak terkencing aku..
sampai rumah widad ard 730am cam tu..
widad tgh bersiap for majlis khatam quran..
aku dijamu breakfast nasi lemak..
oh ya, widad ni kawannya my sis in law, aishah..
azhan pulak kawan dgn abg aku si ejaz..
lainnya wedding kali nie, lauk pauk yg sgt la mcm2..
air pun ade mcm2.. berderet tong mcm2 kaler..
ade air soya, air sirap, air anggur, air hijau dan bagai2..
dh habes majlis, cabut blk kl dlm kul 630pm cam tu..
sampai je ni hah terus bukak laptop.. hahahaha..
tak menyempat.. x pe x pe, nk update skit jek..
kasi tgk gmbr skit lah, mcm biasa kn..
adik widad kt mesir x dpt hadir, so ber webcam-ing je la..
adik azhan pun sama, nun kat USA..
ni br sampai from bahau, negeri sembilan..
for majlis widad dan azhan..
bertolak around 4am, dgn bantuan cik garminah aka garmin..
cik garminah mengantok la, die bengong pg2 buta..
chis, bedebah.. naseb baek tak lost..
si halmus pun agak lost jugak la, chit..
huiyooo, time kat bukit putus tu, cuak sehhhh..
dalam kepala tak putus putus berdoa..
nasib baek ade agak byk kereta, kalau tak terkencing aku..
sampai rumah widad ard 730am cam tu..
widad tgh bersiap for majlis khatam quran..
aku dijamu breakfast nasi lemak..
oh ya, widad ni kawannya my sis in law, aishah..
azhan pulak kawan dgn abg aku si ejaz..
lainnya wedding kali nie, lauk pauk yg sgt la mcm2..
air pun ade mcm2.. berderet tong mcm2 kaler..
ade air soya, air sirap, air anggur, air hijau dan bagai2..
dh habes majlis, cabut blk kl dlm kul 630pm cam tu..
sampai je ni hah terus bukak laptop.. hahahaha..
tak menyempat.. x pe x pe, nk update skit jek..
kasi tgk gmbr skit lah, mcm biasa kn..

i just came back from farah and asni's wedding..
diorg nikah kelmarin kat masjid wilayah..
ini malam, reception.. kt kg. pengantin..
farah is one of my best friend..
we've known each other since high school lagi..
dalam ramai2 kwn, farah la yg paling emo.. hahaha..
dan dalam ramai2 org, aku la yg suka kacau dia..
dunno why, but i just like teasing her..
satu nikmat yg tidak terkata.. kihkihkih..
jgn marah.. kalau ko marah pun, aku buat dek jek..
hehehehe.. adoiiii, dah kawen dah si farah nie..
selamat kawen kawen to farah and asni..
owh nmpknya x de la farah nk tido kt rmh aku lagi..
sbb skrg dh ade kawan, x takut dh la kn..
yabedabeduuuuuu!! hahahaha..
farah farah, tolong kawal emosi anda ya..
jgn gado gado, jgn majuk majuk..
asni, please take good care of her..
die cepat tersentuh, sensitip.. tu yg emo tu..
ala, malas la nk celoteh panjang2..
later nk gerak to bahau pulak, kene tido nie..
now dh 130am, nk gerak kul 4..
perlu mencaskn diri supaya tidak kecundang sat lagi..

p/s: puan farah, if u do hv problem, u can count on me.. chewahhhhhh!! :-)
diorg nikah kelmarin kat masjid wilayah..
ini malam, reception.. kt kg. pengantin..
farah is one of my best friend..
we've known each other since high school lagi..
dalam ramai2 kwn, farah la yg paling emo.. hahaha..
dan dalam ramai2 org, aku la yg suka kacau dia..
dunno why, but i just like teasing her..
satu nikmat yg tidak terkata.. kihkihkih..
jgn marah.. kalau ko marah pun, aku buat dek jek..
hehehehe.. adoiiii, dah kawen dah si farah nie..
selamat kawen kawen to farah and asni..
owh nmpknya x de la farah nk tido kt rmh aku lagi..
sbb skrg dh ade kawan, x takut dh la kn..
yabedabeduuuuuu!! hahahaha..
farah farah, tolong kawal emosi anda ya..
jgn gado gado, jgn majuk majuk..
asni, please take good care of her..
die cepat tersentuh, sensitip.. tu yg emo tu..
ala, malas la nk celoteh panjang2..
later nk gerak to bahau pulak, kene tido nie..
now dh 130am, nk gerak kul 4..
perlu mencaskn diri supaya tidak kecundang sat lagi..

Thursday, November 19, 2009
Al Fatihah!!
sebab terlampau kejar dunia, kita kengkadang lupa akhirat..
sekadar sembahyang lima waktu tak bermakna amalan dah lengkap..
itu pun tak tau di terima ke tak..
tp td selepas perbualan aku dgn salah seorg bakal client,
wooooooooooo, terpikir sejenak..
kalau lah tetibe jek kite mati, dah tak boleh buat ape dah..
amalan kite je yg dikira..
td aku tepon one of my bakal pengantin for an updates..
just nk finalize la dgn die kn..
i rang her, and she pick up the phone..
"hello.. lana!!" sambil teresak esak menangis..
aku terkejut la apsal la die angkat tepon menanges nanges nie..
she told me that her mother just passed away this morning,
and she pass the phone to her sister..
then the sister sd majlis kawen sume tukar to kenduri tahlil..
kesian dgn die, besok nk nikah, mak pulak pergi.. adoiiiiiii!!
ya lah, tgh seronok nk kawen, bertukar sedeh pulak..
semua yg berlaku ade hikmahnya..
hikmahnye untuk aku, aku teringat pasal kematian..
meremang bulu roma bila pikirkn..
p/s:- mohon maaf kalau ade salah silap ya kawan2!!
sekadar sembahyang lima waktu tak bermakna amalan dah lengkap..
itu pun tak tau di terima ke tak..
tp td selepas perbualan aku dgn salah seorg bakal client,
wooooooooooo, terpikir sejenak..
kalau lah tetibe jek kite mati, dah tak boleh buat ape dah..
amalan kite je yg dikira..
td aku tepon one of my bakal pengantin for an updates..
just nk finalize la dgn die kn..
i rang her, and she pick up the phone..
"hello.. lana!!" sambil teresak esak menangis..
aku terkejut la apsal la die angkat tepon menanges nanges nie..
she told me that her mother just passed away this morning,
and she pass the phone to her sister..
then the sister sd majlis kawen sume tukar to kenduri tahlil..
kesian dgn die, besok nk nikah, mak pulak pergi.. adoiiiiiii!!
ya lah, tgh seronok nk kawen, bertukar sedeh pulak..
semua yg berlaku ade hikmahnya..
hikmahnye untuk aku, aku teringat pasal kematian..
meremang bulu roma bila pikirkn..
p/s:- mohon maaf kalau ade salah silap ya kawan2!!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
hr ni pegi tgkp gmbr pre wed for si N and si Z..
the photoshoot took place at heritage hotel, somewhere in kl..
ala, yg kt stesen ktm tu.. before tu gi breakfast kt NZ..
wah, sume nk nz nz ke?? hahaha.. kebetulan..
hr ni x susah sgt kerja aku, sbb subjek sgt lah sng bergmbr..
tp towads the end tu, si lelaki ni jd pemalu pulak tetibe..
ek elen, pirahhhhhhh!! hahahaha..
owh tp kalau bab tgkp gmbr ala2 macho, he had no problem at all..
cheh!! sorry, cant publish any photos yet, sbb they sd nnt tak suprise..
sbb nk upload sgt, so terpaksa lah potong sane potong sini..
so inilah hasilnye!!
the photoshoot took place at heritage hotel, somewhere in kl..
ala, yg kt stesen ktm tu.. before tu gi breakfast kt NZ..
wah, sume nk nz nz ke?? hahaha.. kebetulan..
hr ni x susah sgt kerja aku, sbb subjek sgt lah sng bergmbr..
tp towads the end tu, si lelaki ni jd pemalu pulak tetibe..
ek elen, pirahhhhhhh!! hahahaha..
owh tp kalau bab tgkp gmbr ala2 macho, he had no problem at all..
cheh!! sorry, cant publish any photos yet, sbb they sd nnt tak suprise..
sbb nk upload sgt, so terpaksa lah potong sane potong sini..
so inilah hasilnye!!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Tag Along!!
so earlier this morning, me, shah and ajong went to putrajaya..
ajong's client, me tag along jek.. mengasah mata..
supposedly the photoshoot starts at 8am..
but as always itu org pukul 830am pun tarak bangun lagi..
aiyoooo, shah shah.. ade ke die ckp kul 815am nk amek..
padahal start kul 8am.. bengong mu..
actually putrajaya ni byk tmpt tau for bergambar..
ingat dah mati akal kalau pegi situ, tapi ade je idea kt situ..
so the outcome tak sama lah dgn org lain even at same place..

ajong's client, me tag along jek.. mengasah mata..
supposedly the photoshoot starts at 8am..
but as always itu org pukul 830am pun tarak bangun lagi..
aiyoooo, shah shah.. ade ke die ckp kul 815am nk amek..
padahal start kul 8am.. bengong mu..
actually putrajaya ni byk tmpt tau for bergambar..
ingat dah mati akal kalau pegi situ, tapi ade je idea kt situ..
so the outcome tak sama lah dgn org lain even at same place..

Saturday, November 14, 2009
macam macam adaaaaaa!!
today's activity!!
hmmmmm, di pagi yg sejuk, saya berkuda..
eh bukan berkuda, pegi tangkap gambar bersama kuda..
last week kn muthu cakap kuda tak cantik, hr ni dah cantik.. ngeee!!
deanna and fahmi want their pre-wed photos all about their hobbies..
so berkuda is one of it la.. motor dah, kpl terbang dah, kuda dah..
tinggal golfing and racing cars.. ish ish ish..
btway, kuda malu2 la, so i show you picture without kuda first ok..

then later, i went to ampang sports planet..
LDV tgh berentap in a futsal tournament..

dah habis tourney, we had our brunch at coffe bean..
then dah bosan pegi cue ball pulak, played foosball and pool..

lepas tu nak balik nampak dinding, berposing la kejap.. hehehe..
dah balik, katil di cari.. huhu.. terbaekkkkkk!!
hmmmmm, di pagi yg sejuk, saya berkuda..
eh bukan berkuda, pegi tangkap gambar bersama kuda..
last week kn muthu cakap kuda tak cantik, hr ni dah cantik.. ngeee!!
deanna and fahmi want their pre-wed photos all about their hobbies..
so berkuda is one of it la.. motor dah, kpl terbang dah, kuda dah..
tinggal golfing and racing cars.. ish ish ish..
btway, kuda malu2 la, so i show you picture without kuda first ok..
LDV tgh berentap in a futsal tournament..

Sunday, November 8, 2009
wow weee junior juice!!
pagi got kenduri at maksu hawa's house..
tp x dpt pegi bcos on call for a photoshoot..
hahahaha.. mcm doctor plak ade on call on call..
then the client said later petang, so me off to maksu's la..
then at 3pm pegi la menangkap gambar..
well, my client ni hobi terlampau byk..
and they want to share it with others..
so, tema pada hari ni ialah tangkap gambar hobi2 mereka..
hari ini naik motor and kapal terbang..
jakun skit masuk kokpit, tangan gatal jek nak tekan all the button..
after, nk pegi berkuda pulak.. tapi muthu cakap, kuda tak cantik..
have to set another appointment, let him sikat the kuda first..
baru boleh tangkap gambar.. hehehehe.. alahai, kuda kuda..
so itu kuda punya gambar, minggu depan jugak tangkap..
tp x dpt pegi bcos on call for a photoshoot..
hahahaha.. mcm doctor plak ade on call on call..
then the client said later petang, so me off to maksu's la..
then at 3pm pegi la menangkap gambar..
well, my client ni hobi terlampau byk..
and they want to share it with others..
so, tema pada hari ni ialah tangkap gambar hobi2 mereka..
hari ini naik motor and kapal terbang..
jakun skit masuk kokpit, tangan gatal jek nak tekan all the button..
have to set another appointment, let him sikat the kuda first..
baru boleh tangkap gambar.. hehehehe.. alahai, kuda kuda..
so itu kuda punya gambar, minggu depan jugak tangkap..
Sunday, November 1, 2009
what a "sunday morning".. mcm lagu no doubt pulak.. hehe
so today is the day as we played on behalf of LDVies..
we had so much fun dude.. gile gile punye fun..
sampai nk tercabut lutut la.. owh, plus mulut berdarah2!!
huiyoooooo, so macho wooooo.. hahahaha..
never in my life, i play futsal sampai berdarah kt mulut..
nevertheless, the team survived in the group round..
we managed to be in the top 16 out of 41 teams.. nice!!
i dont know the exact rank for our team,
but we have to choose between 9-16, so pandai2 la korg..
ok la tu, it was our first tourney la kn..
owh owh, team kitorg di chop as cheerleaders team,
sbb suka menari dlm court.. hahaha..
to those yg dtg, thx for the support..
and now, lets sing!!
we had joy we had fun we had season in the sun!!
woot woot.. well done you people!!
perut sudah kenyang, mandi pun sudah,
its time to tidooooooooooo!!
serious, my body cant stand the kepenatan anymore!!
btway, to fareed and wawan, cheerssssss!!
if not because of u guys, mesti kitorg no 41.. hahaha!!
so today is the day as we played on behalf of LDVies..
we had so much fun dude.. gile gile punye fun..
sampai nk tercabut lutut la.. owh, plus mulut berdarah2!!
huiyoooooo, so macho wooooo.. hahahaha..
never in my life, i play futsal sampai berdarah kt mulut..
nevertheless, the team survived in the group round..
we managed to be in the top 16 out of 41 teams.. nice!!
i dont know the exact rank for our team,
but we have to choose between 9-16, so pandai2 la korg..
ok la tu, it was our first tourney la kn..
owh owh, team kitorg di chop as cheerleaders team,
sbb suka menari dlm court.. hahaha..
to those yg dtg, thx for the support..
and now, lets sing!!
we had joy we had fun we had season in the sun!!
woot woot.. well done you people!!
perut sudah kenyang, mandi pun sudah,
its time to tidooooooooooo!!
serious, my body cant stand the kepenatan anymore!!
btway, to fareed and wawan, cheerssssss!!
if not because of u guys, mesti kitorg no 41.. hahaha!!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
kan dh ckp, memang terlajak tido la kn..
naseb baek dh remind kandar to gimme a wake up call..
so tengahari tadi reception aisyah & edon at pdrm cheras..
pelamin dia sangat cantek.. i lavvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv it!!
the theme pink & white.. pengantin sweet jek..
aisyah ni susah senyum skit.. bila si juru mekap tanye, kenape?
aisyah cakap die x suke senyum, sebab x nk org kacau die..
hahahaha.. akhirnya edon dapat kacau..
tp mmg pun, aku ni sekolah same dgn die,
tp x pernah la dgr cite die kt sekolah.. low profile gitu..
tp abang die si ungku iskandar tu, mak datukkkkkk, keliling sekolah..
anywes, wedding hr ini agak mencabar, ada protokol bagai2..
Tuanku Aisyah Rohani Tengku Besar Mahmud,
whom was recently installed as the 11th Tuanku Ampuan
Besar of Negeri Sembilan, is one of the VVIPs..
so kene jaga tingkah laku skit la kn.. kang aku kene saman, mampos..
she's so lovely, sgt la baek, senyum jek..
hr ni x sempat makan, sbb masaku habes terbuang,
utk mencari bilik pengantin yg jauh entah ke mana..
adoiiiiii, mak ayah abg pengantin pun tak tau okayyyyyy..
dah semput nk mencari, satu kilometer jauh rupeye..
ish ish ish.. tp last last dpt la jugak mkn kek pengantin.. huhu..
naseb baek dh remind kandar to gimme a wake up call..
so tengahari tadi reception aisyah & edon at pdrm cheras..
pelamin dia sangat cantek.. i lavvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv it!!
the theme pink & white.. pengantin sweet jek..
aisyah ni susah senyum skit.. bila si juru mekap tanye, kenape?
aisyah cakap die x suke senyum, sebab x nk org kacau die..
hahahaha.. akhirnya edon dapat kacau..
tp mmg pun, aku ni sekolah same dgn die,
tp x pernah la dgr cite die kt sekolah.. low profile gitu..
tp abang die si ungku iskandar tu, mak datukkkkkk, keliling sekolah..
anywes, wedding hr ini agak mencabar, ada protokol bagai2..
Tuanku Aisyah Rohani Tengku Besar Mahmud,
whom was recently installed as the 11th Tuanku Ampuan
Besar of Negeri Sembilan, is one of the VVIPs..
so kene jaga tingkah laku skit la kn.. kang aku kene saman, mampos..
she's so lovely, sgt la baek, senyum jek..
hr ni x sempat makan, sbb masaku habes terbuang,
utk mencari bilik pengantin yg jauh entah ke mana..
adoiiiiii, mak ayah abg pengantin pun tak tau okayyyyyy..
dah semput nk mencari, satu kilometer jauh rupeye..
ish ish ish.. tp last last dpt la jugak mkn kek pengantin.. huhu..
so, i just came back from badminton-ing, 2 hrs of fun+agony..
hahaha.. sendiri cari pasal, padan muka..
before that i went to kandar's sis wedding, aisyah & edon..
well of course as their photographer..
then ard 1230am pegi la main badminton, sukaaaaaaa..
balik rumah terjelepek habis la, tak hengatttttt punye penat!!
but still cant go to sleep yet, have to finish up some editing
for their slideshow.. the thing is, its 4am oredi.. demnnnn!!
memang tak tido la kn.. adoiiiiiiii..
the akad nikah went smoothly.. tok kadi equals to pak lawak..
owh, edon ada bawak photographer die, die bawak geng plak lg..
ive been out numbered la kn.. gila ah, naseb baek pandai menyelit..
luckily shah tag along, fuhhhhhhh..
need to do some work now, buhbye!!
owh better ask kandar to wake up call me,
sat gi tido mampos, habes lah aku!!
hahaha.. sendiri cari pasal, padan muka..
before that i went to kandar's sis wedding, aisyah & edon..
well of course as their photographer..
then ard 1230am pegi la main badminton, sukaaaaaaa..
balik rumah terjelepek habis la, tak hengatttttt punye penat!!
but still cant go to sleep yet, have to finish up some editing
for their slideshow.. the thing is, its 4am oredi.. demnnnn!!
memang tak tido la kn.. adoiiiiiiii..
the akad nikah went smoothly.. tok kadi equals to pak lawak..
owh, edon ada bawak photographer die, die bawak geng plak lg..
ive been out numbered la kn.. gila ah, naseb baek pandai menyelit..
luckily shah tag along, fuhhhhhhh..
need to do some work now, buhbye!!
owh better ask kandar to wake up call me,
sat gi tido mampos, habes lah aku!!
Monday, October 26, 2009
to all my lovely friends and family, yg support MU terutamanya..
kesiannnnnnn!! i dont care if we dont get to hold the league cup,
as long as we won over you it's enough.. hahahaha..
that's our mission every year, KALAHKAN MU SUDAH LA..
x bleh blah betul la kawan2 aku yg tepon seharian suntuk..
nyanyi lagu kebanggaan diorg tu dr pg sampai petang..
dah kalah pandai plak diam.. ha, now let me sing the song..
GLORY GLORY MAN UNITED!! terngiang sampai dalam tido okaaaay!!
kesiannnnnnn!! i dont care if we dont get to hold the league cup,
as long as we won over you it's enough.. hahahaha..
that's our mission every year, KALAHKAN MU SUDAH LA..
x bleh blah betul la kawan2 aku yg tepon seharian suntuk..
nyanyi lagu kebanggaan diorg tu dr pg sampai petang..
dah kalah pandai plak diam.. ha, now let me sing the song..
GLORY GLORY MAN UNITED!! terngiang sampai dalam tido okaaaay!!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
so, last night karaoke-ing with a few friends..
we had so much fun, 4hrs of singing and jumping.. fuhhhhh..
well, for me 3hrs jek sebab 1 jam tu i was just waiting for them
to ring me up for the place, what floor, etc etc etc..
for that 1 hour i just pusing pusing ampang park tu, tanpa hala tuju..
at first i thought i've been pranked, but it's not my birthday, it was apiz's..
jahat betul diorg, gila melalak sampai tak dgr bunyik talipon..
nevermind, yada yada yada, so dah ada dlm bilik karaoke..
farra(tunang si apiz), she's the mastermind..
nak balas dendam katanya sbb dulu die kene.. hahahaha..
so bday celebration cara kami=byk gile spray menyepray..
well as usual, im the one who captured all the moment la kn..
masyurah paling dasyat, byk gila tin die spray kt apiz.. hahahaha..
and kandar punye tin plak x bleh gune at all.. yapedaaaaaaaa!!
rugi sebotol, masuk angin pulak..
we are sooooo budak2!! im loving it!!
so now, semua dah tua, saya belum lagi!!
we had so much fun, 4hrs of singing and jumping.. fuhhhhh..
well, for me 3hrs jek sebab 1 jam tu i was just waiting for them
to ring me up for the place, what floor, etc etc etc..
for that 1 hour i just pusing pusing ampang park tu, tanpa hala tuju..
at first i thought i've been pranked, but it's not my birthday, it was apiz's..
jahat betul diorg, gila melalak sampai tak dgr bunyik talipon..
nevermind, yada yada yada, so dah ada dlm bilik karaoke..
farra(tunang si apiz), she's the mastermind..
nak balas dendam katanya sbb dulu die kene.. hahahaha..
so bday celebration cara kami=byk gile spray menyepray..
well as usual, im the one who captured all the moment la kn..
masyurah paling dasyat, byk gila tin die spray kt apiz.. hahahaha..
and kandar punye tin plak x bleh gune at all.. yapedaaaaaaaa!!
rugi sebotol, masuk angin pulak..
we are sooooo budak2!! im loving it!!
so now, semua dah tua, saya belum lagi!!
the birthday boy, erkkk man..
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