went to mambau again, for a wedding job.. dis time for faizal's side.. the main attraction is the kereta kuda.. hahaha.. pengantin berarak dgn kereta kuda wooooo.. kelas gitu.. tp kuda x chill la, nk mengamok plak kuda ni tgh2 jln.. naseb x jd ape2.. hahaha.. tokojut kek bunyi morcun reben kot.. im so not into nogori slang, berterabur, sorryyyy!! to faz n faizal, happy newlywed!! oh ya, i was lenjun all over badan from head to kaki mase berarak dgn kuda tu.. hujan ya, bkn peluh ya cik farahana.. huhu..

then after finished snappy snappy, blk kl and kak jj(kazen) ask me to send her to planet hollywood, which i did, without her saying "thank you" to me.. jahat ah kak jj nie, x nk kawan la, x nk hantar lagi gi memane... waaaaaaaaaaa.. hahaha.. no worries la.. then went to atok's, had my dinner.. after mkn, kami the youngsters ni main black jack.. we played strip black jack.. sape kalah kene strip.. hahahaha.. wat so funny is, zuki didnt wear inner short, hahaha.. so we change the rules, whoever lost, kene denda.. like harith kena, "go and smell adina's pampers".. hahaha.. which he did sampai adina menangis.. hahaha.. sorry kak izzie, kami buli anak awak.. hahaha.. oh btway, lupe plak pasal abg si adina ni, si adam.. word of the mth for adam=toksey(tak payah in kelantan) and watever!! hahahaha.. go adam!!
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