what a day!! fuishhhhh.. exam start at 9am.. then 12pm terus cabut kl, got appointment with bakal client.. feel so tired oredi, been awake since 4am on friday, so a lil bit bengong at the moment.. br jek landing, farah penyu sms saying dat her car key locked inside her car.. ???? gile cuai minah nie.. hish.. so me aka mcgyver pun pegi la menolong.. shrett krukkkk hestreeett, ketakkkk!!! mission accomplished..(for almost 1/2hr btway).. then lepak at her hse, sambil terlelap sekejap, lama gile si penyu ni mandi.. then gi dinner kt boraque kopitiam, gossip gossip and gossip till 1030pm.. now layan jajabinx yg dh lame ditinggalkn dek kerana menelaah buku.. oh oh, holiday for 47days.. huhu..
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
yeaaaaa.. jez came back from uptown, damansara..
en kandar kite belanja kwn2 la..
sgt lapar, mkn x pdg kiri kanan,
smpi lupe nk tgkp gmbr skit
buat tatapan farra yg kt uk tu..
hahahaha jgn jeles!!
2moro last paper!! excited excited excited!!
oh oh.. our car kene calar balar by dunno-who..
ape lah dengki sgt pun x tau la.. hish!!
x pe la, pahala kt kitorg gak..
en kandar kite belanja kwn2 la..
sgt lapar, mkn x pdg kiri kanan,
smpi lupe nk tgkp gmbr skit
buat tatapan farra yg kt uk tu..
hahahaha jgn jeles!!
2moro last paper!! excited excited excited!!
oh oh.. our car kene calar balar by dunno-who..
ape lah dengki sgt pun x tau la.. hish!!
x pe la, pahala kt kitorg gak..
Sunday, November 23, 2008
went to aquaria klcc with muhd, ummu, juwai and widad.. jd tourist guide utk satu hari.. huhu.. kesian kt diorg smlm jln2 komuter lmbt la, org ramai la.. so dgn rela hati saye menawarkn diri utk membawa mereka berjln2 di kota kl.. ejaz, u owe me big time.. woot woot.. one day with the sgporean, im happy for ejaz.. diorg baek sgt sgt sgt sgt.. kire layan diorg ni x boring la, seronok.. tp sorry la cos mase pun suntuk so x dpt bwk gi tmpt lain.. oh oh, ade ikan kt aquaria ni sgt la "cantek", i name it angelina jolie, sbb lips die tebal, and got jambul summore.. hahaha.. actually so many funny things to tell, tp mcm malas so jez let it be la ya.. huhu.. btway, we play dis tilik naseb thing, after i scan it ill post it ere.. bye!!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
ya rabbi.. mengantoknye!! after 34hrs of awakening, rase mcm best jek kalo ade katil yg tilam air tu.. woot woot.. btway, lps azab skit, tdy's paper mmg tough.. adoiyaiiiii.. sakit kepala ni hah.. nothing much to say, exam mode la katekn.. btway, after exam, gi shah alam amek ejaz dgn aishah(his finacee).. then gi rumah otak, mcm biase la kn, sabtu.. b4 gi rmh atok, singgah rumah jap, then mummy ask me to buy sayur bayam.. hahaha.. funny funny.. im very sure the one i took is bayam, unfortunately it wasnt.. so jd bahan la kn.. mom go canang kt sume org.. hahaha.. rajin masuk dapur la katekn.. kihkihkih.. iye la maknye, lana blaja mengenal sayur selepas ini.. luv u mummy!!
am wondering wat binx r doing rite now??
am wondering wat binx r doing rite now??
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
jajabinx punye pasal, pegi uni lmbt.. haha.. naseb baek sampai ngam2 kul 830am.. btway, exam start at 9am.. huhu.. selambe!! the paper, hmmmmmm, senyum lebar sgt sgt.. it was easy.. not dat easy, but ok la.. A+.. woot woot.. but as mummy alwis sd, "dun be too confident bout it!!".. ok ok, i know.. then cepat cepat blk sbb nk tgk binx tgh buat ape??.. hahahaha.. im so not cool!! no life kah?? go out la babe!! (im talking to myself).. OUT!! nk tido.. dr smlm x tido nih!!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
it's 2:16 in the morning.. still on facebook for pet society.. hahaha.. dh gile habes nie.. help me help me help me!!! i think i shud stop rite now, 2moro got paper maaaa.. aiyakkkk.. but i just cant, im loving it!! ketagihan sungguh ni!!
OMG!! it's 6:16 am oredi, and am still pet society-ing.. hahaha.. gile ape aku nie, kalah budak kecik kot.. la la la la la.. ketawa terbahak2 tgk member sume tergolek dok dok.. hahaha..
woke up ard 2pm, cuak cuak sekejap kenangkn paper besok, dlm cuak tu boleh layan binx sekejap.. hahaha.. sekejap tu ade la smpi kul 4pm.. kahkahkah.. ok ok, study!!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
went to plaza damansara with eta for choc cake durian, seawal 1030 pagi.. sampai2 je, the kedai 'closed'.. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. dh bg harapan then musnahkn.. *&^%$!&$(!)_)(!^%%!$@#*.. fakit botch!! hahaha.. word of the day, botch.. bitch for a girl, botch for a boy.. ngeeeee.. nk hiburkn hati yg parah nie, we went to kenny rogers.. x pe la eta, besok lana gi beli the cake ya, lana simpan tuk eta.. haha.. btway
Saturday, November 15, 2008
went to mambau again, for a wedding job.. dis time for faizal's side.. the main attraction is the kereta kuda.. hahaha.. pengantin berarak dgn kereta kuda wooooo.. kelas gitu.. tp kuda x chill la, nk mengamok plak kuda ni tgh2 jln.. naseb x jd ape2.. hahaha.. tokojut kek bunyi morcun reben kot.. im so not into nogori slang, berterabur, sorryyyy!! to faz n faizal, happy newlywed!! oh ya, i was lenjun all over badan from head to kaki mase berarak dgn kuda tu.. hujan ya, bkn peluh ya cik farahana.. huhu..

then after finished snappy snappy, blk kl and kak jj(kazen) ask me to send her to planet hollywood, which i did, without her saying "thank you" to me.. jahat ah kak jj nie, x nk kawan la, x nk hantar lagi gi memane... waaaaaaaaaaa.. hahaha.. no worries la.. then went to atok's, had my dinner.. after mkn, kami the youngsters ni main black jack.. we played strip black jack.. sape kalah kene strip.. hahahaha.. wat so funny is, zuki didnt wear inner short, hahaha.. so we change the rules, whoever lost, kene denda.. like harith kena, "go and smell adina's pampers".. hahaha.. which he did sampai adina menangis.. hahaha.. sorry kak izzie, kami buli anak awak.. hahaha.. oh btway, lupe plak pasal abg si adina ni, si adam.. word of the mth for adam=toksey(tak payah in kelantan) and watever!! hahahaha.. go adam!!
Friday, November 14, 2008
im so addicted to pet society rite now.. i jez luv my jajabinx very much.. huhu.. ala ala tomeinye dieeee.. play station letak tepi terus.. hahaha.. never in my life, 24/7 jez to play online game.. ngeeee.. study?? arghhhhh, stresssss.. so many chapters still x cover yet.. 1st paper in 4days time.. gosh, im freaking out rite now.. OUT!!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
i dun think im ever gonna figure it out!!
ade la kawan ni tanye, "lana, ko nk jd ape sbnrnye??".. hmmmm, dis kind of question makes my brain-go-not-fuctioning-at-all.. im not sure wat the answer is, but im very sure i want to finish my studies, in finance, and success in business.. dis coming dec i will turn 25th, most ppl think at dis stage, it is time to hv a family, a job, yada yada yada.. but not for me, im not dat kind of person who blaja rajin2, dpt result bagus2 so dat bleh dpt keje bagus, then kawen, then live happily ever after.. daaaaaa, sooooo lame!! i want to hv my own business, my own empire, my own "donald trump" building.. but i jez dunno when, how, what to start to get there?? and for the very first time, i kind a termenung agak lama, thinking, where am i in 5yrs time?? huhhhhhh!! and all i see is, $$$$$$$$$$$.. to start a business, kene ade duit.. dh ade business, duit plak klua masuk.. if masuk je, bertmbh byk.. if klua jek, berkurangan la kn.. arghhhhh, i must plan my future very well.. Ya Allah, bless me!!
Monday, November 10, 2008
siot ahhhh sarah.. sakit laaaaaa.. tetibe menjerit, terkejut okaaaayyyyyy.. lipas lipas lipas.. so effing big ok the lipas, im not sure how fast i run cos in a second i'm outside the room with a few bruises oredi.. hahahaha.. langgar katil langgar meja.. adoiyaiiiii.. lipas ni degil ok, dh spray pun die bleh nk terbang lg.. stupidssssss!!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
yesterday went to mambau, n9 for faz & faizal's wedding.. sampai ard 730am, lengkap berbaju kurung. yaaaaa.. ingtkn jauh laaaaaa, tau kul 8 br klua rumah.. yapedaaaaaa.. mata dh mcm panda ni, x tido lansung since smlm.. adehhhhh, not good not good.. congrats faz, one shot je lafaz.. si faizal siap ade hankecif lagi, berpeluh2 tgn.. hahahaha.. chilax bro!! fazzzzz, bagus x pakej aku, siap kereta ko dpt.. hahahahaha.. the event habis at 4pm, then go outdoor fotoshoot pusing kampong, pusing kolam, pusing taik lembu, etc etc etc.. hahahaha..
reach kl ord 8pm, mandi2 then went to nz garden with puteri nong, laparrrr kottttttt!! mak faz ade bekal lauk kenduri tp x lalu nk mkn la, dh sebu kot.. suppose gi rmh atok, tp maklong kate hse close, so melencong la.. puteri nong banje me fish n cheap, garden salad, fresh oren, teh tarik.. woot woot.. mkn byknyeeeee!! kalo kire kire, now almost 45hrs x tido langsung.. gile!!!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
hahahaha.. padan muka puteri!! well, as u all know, i hate lipas, a lot!! geli je kot kaki kaki die yg menggerutu tu.. uwekkkk.. on the way up to our hse, ade la lipas kt pathway tu, me ask puteri sepak lipas tu, oooooooo die sepak ke blkg so dat the lipas will go to me la kn, but the thing is the lipas keja puteri instead.. hahaha.. gelak kuat2 la kn tgk puteri jumping jumping menari menari dgn lipas.. kihkihkih.. then i go tru, lipas tu duduk tepi, the time i pass the lipas suddenly lipas tu terbalik.. ???? hahaha.. laju sgt kh aku jalan sampai lipas tu terbalik?? hahahahaha.. to puteri, dun play play incik lipas ok..
Saturday, November 1, 2008
woke up ard 9am jez bcos nk gi beli chocake durian.. jez tau the kedai sumwhere in damansara.. then sms abg amran, tanye for the exact location.. location=plaza damansara, in front of the chef & brew's restaurant.. hahahaha.. x tauuuuuu!! since abg amran so bz to layan me, kene cr alternative lain la kn.. sms to many, sorg je reply.. yg lain still tido or x tau, me dunno.. huhu.. acik!! acik punye jawapan x leh pakai laaa.. haha.. then tgk sape on9, yes.. nana.. nana sd ard jln semantan.. no no no, dats not plaza damansara, itu pusat bandar damansara.. pikir punye pikir, nana ask me to call aida.. aida, u'r the mannnnn!! huhu.. at last, sampai pun.. look ard, ya rabbi!! apsal la diorg x ckp, nearby cempaka int scool.. cheh.. dekat pulak dgn my kazen's hse.. aku yg bodo la kn.. hahaha.. ni eta punye pasal la ni, kene bersusah payah pepagi buta.. x pe la eta, 2 mths eta tunggu nk mkn dis cake kn.. hahaha.. naseb baek x kempunan!! so, hows the taste?? SEDAPPPPPPP KANNNNNN!!!
p/s: for those who want to rase ini chocakedurian, the kedai only sell a dozen per day.. so, bangun early pagi ya.. huhu..
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