Monday, October 27, 2008


8pm went to pat's and apiz's raya open hse, borak2 then blk.. then ard 1030pm shoot bbq-ing at ewin's.. org tua2 kt dlm, so all the yougsters main pengsan pengsan kt luar.. hahaha.. sgt bising ok, smpi ibu marah.. so kene buat diam2, kalo x nnt ibu klua tgk sume org tgh pengsan, mau die mengamok.. first jarir try dulu, x jd sgt.. but terase gak la pengsan tu.. then baby plak, ya rabbiiii, menggelupur like ikan atas darat.. then kecik, yg ni the best pengsan video of the nite.. hahaha.. wat if setan btul2 kacau mase nie, huishhhh, di buatnye x bangun korg, aiyokkkkk.. well, it was fun tho.. hahaha.. very fannnehhhhhhh!! p/s: foods=nyum nyum.. oh ya, happy deepavali!!




1 comment:

Muja Clothes said...

Ya Allah..lana!! main lagi pengsan2? hahahhah....that's hilarious...teringat kat toilet skolah dulu!