wooooooo.. im getting younger.. yes lahhh!!
so, i just came back from farra's hse..
this week gonna be so hectic man..
last night was her "berinai" day..
tonight her "tukar2 baju" day..
tomorrow her "akad nikah" day..
but before that, early in the morning,
it's her "mandi beradat and qatam quran"..
day after tomorrow her "sanding" day..
no hols for me, even on my birthday..
haish, story of my life..
btway, as usual, birthday girl mesti kene la kn..
hahahaha.. birthday girl, tak bleh blah..
since there's only farra and dayah's around,
i thought there's gonna be no prank whatsoever..
ya rabbi, 2 org pun diorg bleh bikin kerja la..
even my lovely miss wiski(my car) kene spray okeeeee..
hehehehe.. whatever it is, i love you!!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
makkkk aiiiiiiii!!
wahwahwah.. gila lama tak update.. heehooo..
buat buat bz la tu.. hahahaha..
biaselah, musim org kawen!!
nk update ape ek?? hmmmm, nothing spesel..
cept for the past few weeks sibuk dgn org kawen..
owh, the mother sudah selamat pulang from mecca..
alhamdulillah, syukur..
the leg belum fully recover, so im officialy si tempang..
bile nk amek gmbr low angle, huiyoooooo, azab!!
demi agama bangsa dan negara, akan ku redah segalanya..
ok la, let me update u all with some pics from the past event..
Azrul & Siti - December 11th, 12th & 13th (Banting & KL)
-tok kadi sgt la lawak, speedy gonzales!!
-saye suh pengantin baling gula2 kt saye konon2 nk capture gmbr gula2 tu,
x tau la pulak gula2 tu sumi@chumi, mcm kene batu!!
-ade kfc woooooo, gile best!!
-majlis start awal, kul 2 dh lengang.. goyang kaki la beb!! hehe!!
-yg kt kl punye majlis plak, ramai la pulak org yg saye kenal..
(ke saye yg femes??) hahahahaha!!
-kuah asam memang terbaek oooooooo, sgt suke!!
-to the bride and groom, terime kaseh la ya!! both of u sgt la cool!!
Izzany & Yusri - December 12th (Kg.Pengantin, KL)
-ya, havoc dan gamat suasana
-belum habes lelah kt banting, tambah lelah kt sini..
-kawan2 ku jd model sambilan.. hahaha!!
-pengantin ditinggalkn family sesudahnya majlis habes..
kt parking lot ada kete saye jek, so saye la kene hntr diorg blk.. hahaha
-to pat & yus, congrats!!
-to kg. pengantin, saye x cukup mkn, waiter kamu x nk tmbh utk saye..
then dalam air saye ade rambut.. booooooooooooooooooo!!

Ju & Mizi - December 19th (Banting)
-the groom sgt la suka gelak
-the bride pulak sgt suka gelak jugak la..
-the photographer(saye la tu), sgt suka gelak jugak..
-nk posing malu malu, tampar kangggg!!
-pengantin punye excited, ayah ju tgh berucap,
time tu jugak diorg nk cium dahi, pakai rantai, cincin etc..
-rileksss la braderrrrr!! hahahahaha..

Deq Ya & Aie - December 20th & 26th (Batu Pahat & KL)
-make up artist die sangat lawa okeeeeee!! body hot gile..
-bertolak from kl kul 530pg, karaoke sorg2 dlm kete!!
-nenek2 deq ya suka karaoke and menari..
hahahaha.. sakan gile bergoyang.. best best!!
-owh, make up artist tu lelaki, tapiiiiiiiiiiii...
-event kt kl plak simple but nice.. back drop cantek..
-bridal buat havoc la, ade ke pengantin x de crown and keris bagai2..
ish ish ish.. naseb ade jugak last minute!! perghhhh!!
-pengantin seperti dipukau, suh buat ape je diorg buat..
-otdoor merangkap indoor kat heritage hotel=mencabar!!
Hajare & Nizam - December 25th & 27th (KL & Janda Baik)
-sape kate majlis simple x menarek??
-i loikeeeeeeeeee!!
-the bride sudah kasi warning awal2, nizam ni shy shy..
-tapi, tak pun.. nizam posing kalah hajare okeeeee!!
-hmmmm, crew for hajar's wedding digelar crew malas!!
-from the make up artist to the photographer to the pengapit,
MALAS!!.. hahahahahahahaha!!
-bkn malas ah, kami cool!! kate fren fren.. rilek rilek la..
-tema=gelak ketawa!! (gmbr sume nk tunjuk gigi)
-reception at janda baik mmg unik.. mcm pegi camping!!

p/s: for more picture, check my fotopages/flickr..
but not now la, tahun depan!! :-)
buat buat bz la tu.. hahahaha..
biaselah, musim org kawen!!
nk update ape ek?? hmmmm, nothing spesel..
cept for the past few weeks sibuk dgn org kawen..
owh, the mother sudah selamat pulang from mecca..
alhamdulillah, syukur..
the leg belum fully recover, so im officialy si tempang..
bile nk amek gmbr low angle, huiyoooooo, azab!!
demi agama bangsa dan negara, akan ku redah segalanya..
ok la, let me update u all with some pics from the past event..
Azrul & Siti - December 11th, 12th & 13th (Banting & KL)
-tok kadi sgt la lawak, speedy gonzales!!
-saye suh pengantin baling gula2 kt saye konon2 nk capture gmbr gula2 tu,
x tau la pulak gula2 tu sumi@chumi, mcm kene batu!!
-ade kfc woooooo, gile best!!
-majlis start awal, kul 2 dh lengang.. goyang kaki la beb!! hehe!!
-yg kt kl punye majlis plak, ramai la pulak org yg saye kenal..
(ke saye yg femes??) hahahahaha!!
-kuah asam memang terbaek oooooooo, sgt suke!!
-to the bride and groom, terime kaseh la ya!! both of u sgt la cool!!
-ya, havoc dan gamat suasana
-belum habes lelah kt banting, tambah lelah kt sini..
-kawan2 ku jd model sambilan.. hahaha!!
-pengantin ditinggalkn family sesudahnya majlis habes..
kt parking lot ada kete saye jek, so saye la kene hntr diorg blk.. hahaha
-to pat & yus, congrats!!
-to kg. pengantin, saye x cukup mkn, waiter kamu x nk tmbh utk saye..
then dalam air saye ade rambut.. booooooooooooooooooo!!

-the groom sgt la suka gelak
-the bride pulak sgt suka gelak jugak la..
-the photographer(saye la tu), sgt suka gelak jugak..
-nk posing malu malu, tampar kangggg!!
-pengantin punye excited, ayah ju tgh berucap,
time tu jugak diorg nk cium dahi, pakai rantai, cincin etc..
-rileksss la braderrrrr!! hahahahaha..

-make up artist die sangat lawa okeeeeee!! body hot gile..
-bertolak from kl kul 530pg, karaoke sorg2 dlm kete!!
-nenek2 deq ya suka karaoke and menari..
hahahaha.. sakan gile bergoyang.. best best!!
-owh, make up artist tu lelaki, tapiiiiiiiiiiii...
-event kt kl plak simple but nice.. back drop cantek..
-bridal buat havoc la, ade ke pengantin x de crown and keris bagai2..
ish ish ish.. naseb ade jugak last minute!! perghhhh!!
-pengantin seperti dipukau, suh buat ape je diorg buat..
-otdoor merangkap indoor kat heritage hotel=mencabar!!

-sape kate majlis simple x menarek??
-i loikeeeeeeeeee!!
-the bride sudah kasi warning awal2, nizam ni shy shy..
-tapi, tak pun.. nizam posing kalah hajare okeeeee!!
-hmmmm, crew for hajar's wedding digelar crew malas!!
-from the make up artist to the photographer to the pengapit,
MALAS!!.. hahahahahahahaha!!
-bkn malas ah, kami cool!! kate fren fren.. rilek rilek la..
-tema=gelak ketawa!! (gmbr sume nk tunjuk gigi)
-reception at janda baik mmg unik.. mcm pegi camping!!

but not now la, tahun depan!! :-)
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
im so damn talented!!
hahahahaha.. berlagak sorang sorang nie..
syok sendiri.. biarlahhhhhh..
so today got so much spare time..
after aisyah and i went to pasar, di tgh panas terik,
saya telah membuat video ucapan selamat hari jadi..
well last year i did it by playing a piano,
this year im thinking of angklung..
but then i realized i dont have any angklung to play..
so ini tahun= wine glass.. heehoooo..
dh mcm sandra bullock dlm miss congeniality pulak hah..
started last year on december,
i've promised my self to do this kind of thing,
a video wish, for all the people i know..
upload it on facebook and just tag them..
kan senang tag tag tag tag.. hehehehe..
well enough say, have fun watching me with the glass..
p/s: sorry, i just dunno how to rotate the video..
syok sendiri.. biarlahhhhhh..
so today got so much spare time..
after aisyah and i went to pasar, di tgh panas terik,
saya telah membuat video ucapan selamat hari jadi..
well last year i did it by playing a piano,
this year im thinking of angklung..
but then i realized i dont have any angklung to play..
so ini tahun= wine glass.. heehoooo..
dh mcm sandra bullock dlm miss congeniality pulak hah..
started last year on december,
i've promised my self to do this kind of thing,
a video wish, for all the people i know..
upload it on facebook and just tag them..
kan senang tag tag tag tag.. hehehehe..
well enough say, have fun watching me with the glass..
p/s: sorry, i just dunno how to rotate the video..
Sunday, December 6, 2009
semalam pegi bahau for farah and asni's wedding..
kali ni kt side asni pulak.. pegi dgn farra and dayah..
chap and nina dah pegi hr jumaat lagi..
masa nk blk farah menanges, konon2 ditinggal family..
hahahahahaha.. kesiannnnn.. gelakkn dia.. hahaha..
jgn pukul aku lg, ko pukul kuat.. sakit ngeng..
kalau dah namanya kawan2 yg ikut, habeslah kamera aku..
penuh gmbr diorg sampai terlupa kt pengantin.. kihkihkih..
cam whore btul la korg nie.. pegi main jauh2 la..
habis la shutter count aku.. ces!!
then bergegas blk kl, takut lmbt..
for tita's bday party at atok's hse..
alahai si kecik ni dh setahun hah..
december 4th is the date, celebrate lewat skit..
opah x de nk celebrate same, pegi haji la..
tita tunggu opah balik, nnt kite beli kek ade muka tita okeee..
mama na sayang tita!! muahhhhh!!
kali ni kt side asni pulak.. pegi dgn farra and dayah..
chap and nina dah pegi hr jumaat lagi..
masa nk blk farah menanges, konon2 ditinggal family..
hahahahahaha.. kesiannnnn.. gelakkn dia.. hahaha..
jgn pukul aku lg, ko pukul kuat.. sakit ngeng..
kalau dah namanya kawan2 yg ikut, habeslah kamera aku..
penuh gmbr diorg sampai terlupa kt pengantin.. kihkihkih..
cam whore btul la korg nie.. pegi main jauh2 la..
habis la shutter count aku.. ces!!
then bergegas blk kl, takut lmbt..
for tita's bday party at atok's hse..
alahai si kecik ni dh setahun hah..
december 4th is the date, celebrate lewat skit..
opah x de nk celebrate same, pegi haji la..
tita tunggu opah balik, nnt kite beli kek ade muka tita okeee..
mama na sayang tita!! muahhhhh!!
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