life is funny isnt it?
just when you think you've got it all figured out,
get excited about it and feel like
you know what direction you're heading in,
the paths change, the signs change,
and you're lost..
there aren't many sure things in life,
but one thing i do know is that you have to deal
with the consequences of your actions..
sometimes i do wonder and always question myself,
what have i ever had to do in my life that really needed to be done?
i always had a choice, and i always took the easy way out..
people who were at school with me
are out tasting what the world has to offer,
and i'm just me, wondering what i have got myself into..
i need to be independent..
it's time for me to grow up..
i need to pick myself up and stop feeling sorry for myself..
life is hard, so what?
it's hard for everyone, isn't it?
anyone who says it's easy is a liar..
aint complaining over here..
just that, it always popped in my head,
what if i took the right turn instead of left,
am i an engineer right now, or an architect perhaps?
Monday, June 29, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Dear Cik Penat, now u can go away ya!!

on june 13th, berlangsung lah majlis kawen ejaz & aishah, majlis menyambut menantu org kata.. hopefully safarianz clan happy sepanjang di kuala lumpur nie.. to friends and family, thank you very much for all the help, secara langsung or tak langsung..

Thursday, June 11, 2009
last week on june 6th, 2009 i went to kota tinggi, johor for capturing hajar n jef's wedding.. as usual, people will always ask me dis kind of question, "awak ni tgkp gmbr dh lama ke??, awak ni tgkp gmbr ade sijil ke??, awak ni tgkp gmbr nmpk mcm pro, tp perempuan boleh ke tgkp gmbr?? etc.. usually, i just keep quiet and smile but this time ini mulut sgt la celupar and counter attack balik.. i straight away say, "yg awak ni tanye saye, mulut tu ade sijil ke??".. ya ampun, sorry to the max, really am.. aduh, terus kakak tu blah.. before balik tu, i approach that person and buat muka seposen, mintak maaf byk2 sbb tercelupar skit.. luckily, she's cool enuff to forgive me.. a bit shocked with my answer, she says.. huhu..
saya buat photography ni sbb saya suka.. sangat sangat suka.. tolonglah jangan downkn saya boleh tak?? kihkihkih.. naaaaaaahhhhh, me dont mind actually.. sebab saya tau saya bagus.. hahahaha.. gila berlagak aku neh.. no la, kite kn sama sama perempuan sama sama melayu, jgn lah cam gitu.. kecik hati nie.. hehehe..
btway, about si pengantin.. adoiyai, time nie lah pulak nk bergado laki bini.. hahaha.. well, beauty of photography, itu gado2 tarak nampak dalam gambar.. hehehe.. oh oh, forgot to tell, i went there with ain, kak pah and ain's cousin..

saya buat photography ni sbb saya suka.. sangat sangat suka.. tolonglah jangan downkn saya boleh tak?? kihkihkih.. naaaaaaahhhhh, me dont mind actually.. sebab saya tau saya bagus.. hahahaha.. gila berlagak aku neh.. no la, kite kn sama sama perempuan sama sama melayu, jgn lah cam gitu.. kecik hati nie.. hehehe..
btway, about si pengantin.. adoiyai, time nie lah pulak nk bergado laki bini.. hahaha.. well, beauty of photography, itu gado2 tarak nampak dalam gambar.. hehehe.. oh oh, forgot to tell, i went there with ain, kak pah and ain's cousin..

Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Selamat Kawen-Kawen!!
from KL-Sgpore then back to KL.. banyaknye org kawennnnnnnnnn!!to my brother muhamad jazlan, happy newlyweds.. kami semua tak percaya ejaz dh kawen, yeaaaaaaaaaaa!! what la you, people get married pakai inai, u tak mau.. rugiiiiiii!!a day before the akad nikah, kami bershopping.. alang alang, first day sale plak tu, ape lagiiiiiii.. redahhhhhhh.. bought my self a lacoste and an adidas shoes.. dats me, looks for the sports stuff mostly.. thee heeee.. thx to the photographer, Ghafur from GAPSTUDIOS and the videographer, Zul and Faizal from CST.. kesian Roslee kene tinggal kt msia.. hehehe.. pukul jek org ptptn tuh.. haha!!

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