perhentian trip = awesome!! 3D 2N at senja bay resort mmg best, but the employee, macam gampang.. tak mesra alam langsung.. even towards the mat & minah salleh too.. ape lah, layan la org elok2.. hish.. luckily the food served sgt sedap, so no issues berbangkit lah.. theee heeee.. went there with wa, nina, chap n fara.. SAYA DAPAT BERENANG DENGAN PENYU!!! its not easy to kejar the penyu, penyu berenang sgt laju.. tercunggap2 den.. haihs.. ingat sampai mati lah.. oh oh, ade shark jugak, kecik je la.. tak takut pun.. just shocked a bit, tetibe lalu depan mata.. dunno bout others, but im so excited ok.. macam jakun pun ade lah.. gelak gelak, merajuk merajuk, lebam sane, lebam sini.. nite tracking yg sgt la takut, mane taknye, 5 girls entered the jungle with only one torch light.. walaweeeiiii, gile kental babe.. naseb baek x de binatang buas.. tp biase lah, ade jek "mata" yg memandang(goose bump).. gulppp.. next = redang!! yeaaaaaaaaaaaa!!
dis is where itu shark berenang2.. now sudah lari.. huhu..
the penyu won the race.. cis!!
depan kamera sume control cun, off camera sume muka pucat..
ade life jacket pun tak membantu diorg neh.. hahahaha!!