been bz studying, finals in 2 weeks.. arghhhhh!! byk x cover lg nihhhh!! help!! sakit pinggang summore, not fun at all la dis past few days.. boring!! funny thing bout today, TERBULI-ED puteri tanpe niat.. hahaha.. promised her will jemput ard 7am, blk uni.. terover sleep plak, woke up ard 10am.. yada yada yada.. x jd la blk uni, alaaaa lg pun me got no class maaaa, puteri je yg ade.. hahaha.. naseb baek bonda x marah, tp kene belanje puteri mkn, bonda said kene belanje dua kali.. "byk cantek bonda!! eh, bonda mmg cantek pun.. haha".. daulat tuanku!!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
8pm went to pat's and apiz's raya open hse, borak2 then blk.. then ard 1030pm shoot bbq-ing at ewin's.. org tua2 kt dlm, so all the yougsters main pengsan pengsan kt luar.. hahaha.. sgt bising ok, smpi ibu marah.. so kene buat diam2, kalo x nnt ibu klua tgk sume org tgh pengsan, mau die mengamok.. first jarir try dulu, x jd sgt.. but terase gak la pengsan tu.. then baby plak, ya rabbiiii, menggelupur like ikan atas darat.. then kecik, yg ni the best pengsan video of the nite.. hahaha.. wat if setan btul2 kacau mase nie, huishhhh, di buatnye x bangun korg, aiyokkkkk.. well, it was fun tho.. hahaha.. very fannnehhhhhhh!! p/s: foods=nyum nyum.. oh ya, happy deepavali!!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
what i did yesterday??
0030: me, nina, chap & wa off to kedah for yaya's wedding at zul's side
0045: pit stop kt hartamas jap, diorg nk minum kopi.. mcm la diorg yg bwk kete, cheh.. konon minum kopi nk tahan mata, but still left me driving alone.. poraahhhh!!
0200: journey begin
0600: sampai tol alor setar(S), wrong exit!! ahha.. suppose alor setar(U).. so make a U turn, kembali ke jln yg benar.. hahaha..
0630: smpi area pokok sena, nk cr kawasan perumahan plak, dgn mata dh kabur, penumpang plak tido dgn lena.. cishhh.. nk kejutkn suh tlg tgkkn sign, kesian plak.. so sendiri meraban cari la..
0700: finally arrived at rumah persinggahan the bride's side.. masuk bilik, cr position tido(1 queen bed for 4pll).. squeezy squeezy.. huhu.. yg lain tido dulu, driver ni pi borak dgn family yaya jap, kasi album yaya, kacau sarah tido, yada yada yada yada..
0800: its time for me to sleep!! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..
1030: bisingnye kt luar!! eica dh smpi, padan la.. chap nina wa, still tido(katenye dh bangun lama tp segan nk klua).. chehhhhhh..
1100: nk mandi pun diorg segan.. ya rabbi.. mcm mane nk hidup nie.. hish.. haha.. saye dgn rela hati, kluakn la beg2 bagai2 dlm kete, diorg kn segan.. hahaha..
1230: berangkat la rombongan to groom's hse.. mkn2, cam whoring, mkn2 again, bergelempangan dlm bilik pengantin, gelak2 summore.. hahaha..
1510: me dayah chap nina & wa buat foto shoot kt bendang blkg rmh.. hahaha.. lari2, lompat2, guling2.. sampai org kampung dh keliling bendang tgk show pun kitorg x perasan.. haha.. dah perasan tu ape lagi la, balik!! kihkihkih..
1630: budget2 ard 9pm bleh smpi kl la kn, tapi teringat char kuew teow yg sgt sedap kt juru, penang..
1800: sampi2, kedai br nk set up la, so jln2 dulu.. ingt nk beraya at one of my client punye rmh, tepon tepon die kt KL plak.. huhu..
1915: KOTA PERMAI CHAR KUEW TEOW dh bukak, it's dinner time.. chap kate kalo x sedap die nk korek my butt, then counter attack blk, if sedap me korek her butt.. ternyata, the food is SEDAPPPPP!! hahaha.. takut sume kene korek, diam jekkkk.. hahaha.. then bg idea gi nite safari, taiping(kalo bab2 bg idea last minit nie, serahkn saje kpd yg pakar, me la).. hahaha.. ya rabbi, dlm kepala otak dok pikir, x penat ke?? hahaha.. lps tu kepala otak jwb balik, TAKKKK!! haha..
2045: byk plak binatang kt zoo kalo mlm2 nie, agaknye sejuk br die klua kot.. buaya sgt besar okayyyy.. i jez luv animals!! 5 stars to the animals.. yeaaaahaaaaa..
2030: dis time, no singgah singgah.. str8 away blk KL.. nina, tanpe hai hai bai bai, terus tido.. so layan lagu, borak2 dgn chap, sampai area tapah kot, chap pun bersuara.. "lana, awak ckp ape td, kite x dgr la last word tu, ngantok sgtttt!!".. hahaha.. pi la tido chap oiiiii.. katenye kesian lana drive sorg2.. konon!!
0030: me, nina, chap & wa off to kedah for yaya's wedding at zul's side
0045: pit stop kt hartamas jap, diorg nk minum kopi.. mcm la diorg yg bwk kete, cheh.. konon minum kopi nk tahan mata, but still left me driving alone.. poraahhhh!!
0200: journey begin
0600: sampai tol alor setar(S), wrong exit!! ahha.. suppose alor setar(U).. so make a U turn, kembali ke jln yg benar.. hahaha..
0630: smpi area pokok sena, nk cr kawasan perumahan plak, dgn mata dh kabur, penumpang plak tido dgn lena.. cishhh.. nk kejutkn suh tlg tgkkn sign, kesian plak.. so sendiri meraban cari la..
0700: finally arrived at rumah persinggahan the bride's side.. masuk bilik, cr position tido(1 queen bed for 4pll).. squeezy squeezy.. huhu.. yg lain tido dulu, driver ni pi borak dgn family yaya jap, kasi album yaya, kacau sarah tido, yada yada yada yada..
0800: its time for me to sleep!! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..
1030: bisingnye kt luar!! eica dh smpi, padan la.. chap nina wa, still tido(katenye dh bangun lama tp segan nk klua).. chehhhhhh..
1100: nk mandi pun diorg segan.. ya rabbi.. mcm mane nk hidup nie.. hish.. haha.. saye dgn rela hati, kluakn la beg2 bagai2 dlm kete, diorg kn segan.. hahaha..
1230: berangkat la rombongan to groom's hse.. mkn2, cam whoring, mkn2 again, bergelempangan dlm bilik pengantin, gelak2 summore.. hahaha..
1510: me dayah chap nina & wa buat foto shoot kt bendang blkg rmh.. hahaha.. lari2, lompat2, guling2.. sampai org kampung dh keliling bendang tgk show pun kitorg x perasan.. haha.. dah perasan tu ape lagi la, balik!! kihkihkih..
1630: budget2 ard 9pm bleh smpi kl la kn, tapi teringat char kuew teow yg sgt sedap kt juru, penang..
1800: sampi2, kedai br nk set up la, so jln2 dulu.. ingt nk beraya at one of my client punye rmh, tepon tepon die kt KL plak.. huhu..
1915: KOTA PERMAI CHAR KUEW TEOW dh bukak, it's dinner time.. chap kate kalo x sedap die nk korek my butt, then counter attack blk, if sedap me korek her butt.. ternyata, the food is SEDAPPPPP!! hahaha.. takut sume kene korek, diam jekkkk.. hahaha.. then bg idea gi nite safari, taiping(kalo bab2 bg idea last minit nie, serahkn saje kpd yg pakar, me la).. hahaha.. ya rabbi, dlm kepala otak dok pikir, x penat ke?? hahaha.. lps tu kepala otak jwb balik, TAKKKK!! haha..
2045: byk plak binatang kt zoo kalo mlm2 nie, agaknye sejuk br die klua kot.. buaya sgt besar okayyyy.. i jez luv animals!! 5 stars to the animals.. yeaaaahaaaaa..
2030: dis time, no singgah singgah.. str8 away blk KL.. nina, tanpe hai hai bai bai, terus tido.. so layan lagu, borak2 dgn chap, sampai area tapah kot, chap pun bersuara.. "lana, awak ckp ape td, kite x dgr la last word tu, ngantok sgtttt!!".. hahaha.. pi la tido chap oiiiii.. katenye kesian lana drive sorg2.. konon!!
reach kl ard 130am.. after hntr chap & nina, me & wa go cuci kereta, sgt kotor!! then ard 2am, home sweet home!! online for a while, tgk gmbr sambil gelak2, then after subuh br tido.. yes mummy, i am soooo nocturnal, i know i know!! woot woot..
woke up ard 1100am, do some studies(final in 3 weeks time).. arghhhhhhhh.. went to boy's open hse ard 6pm.. then went to atok's hse for dinner.. wahhhhhhhhhh, pjgnye i membebel.. can i stop now?? of cos la kene stop, got nothing more to tell maaaaaaa.. haha.. in case i dun see u, "good morning, good afternoon, good evening and good night!!!"

woke up ard 1100am, do some studies(final in 3 weeks time).. arghhhhhhhh.. went to boy's open hse ard 6pm.. then went to atok's hse for dinner.. wahhhhhhhhhh, pjgnye i membebel.. can i stop now?? of cos la kene stop, got nothing more to tell maaaaaaa.. haha.. in case i dun see u, "good morning, good afternoon, good evening and good night!!!"

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
done my presentation successfully with 8/10 marks.. huhu.. the lecturer ask us to do powerpoint presentation on anything-business-reka2 sendiri.. since i know a lil bit bout wedding photography, so i present bout dat la kn.. tanpe segan silu, first one to present.. huhu..
then ckp kt lecturer nk blk awal, cos ade futsal.. huish, dh lame x futsal, x sabar nie, very the ecxited habis la.. thee heeee..
then after futsal went to dayah's hse for her raya makan2.. went there straight away after futsal, so of cos la kan dgn sluar sukannye, baju tshirtnye.. hahaha.. mmg raya lah!! mama masak sgt sedap ok.. the ayam masak merah, walllllaaaaaaaaweiiiiii!! marvellous!!
then ckp kt lecturer nk blk awal, cos ade futsal.. huish, dh lame x futsal, x sabar nie, very the ecxited habis la.. thee heeee..
then after futsal went to dayah's hse for her raya makan2.. went there straight away after futsal, so of cos la kan dgn sluar sukannye, baju tshirtnye.. hahaha.. mmg raya lah!! mama masak sgt sedap ok.. the ayam masak merah, walllllaaaaaaaaweiiiiii!! marvellous!!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
im really pissed off rite now..
everybody, say dis out loud ya..
stay up late study for a test, suddenly kensel plak..
WTF!! ingat kitorg nie x de test lain ke??
ape nk jd lecturer aku sorg nie??
almost every tuesday kelas kensel, now test pun nk kensel..
hish.. come on la, mcm mane anak melayu sendiri nk maju!!
ya, mmg kite x tau wat the story why all those kelas/test kensel..
tp jgn la dh sejam kitorg tunggu br nk inform "CANCEL"..
final in three weeks time, mid term test x habis2 lg, ape laaaaaa!!!
im really pissed off rite now..
everybody, say dis out loud ya..
stay up late study for a test, suddenly kensel plak..
WTF!! ingat kitorg nie x de test lain ke??
ape nk jd lecturer aku sorg nie??
almost every tuesday kelas kensel, now test pun nk kensel..
hish.. come on la, mcm mane anak melayu sendiri nk maju!!
ya, mmg kite x tau wat the story why all those kelas/test kensel..
tp jgn la dh sejam kitorg tunggu br nk inform "CANCEL"..
final in three weeks time, mid term test x habis2 lg, ape laaaaaa!!!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
havoc la kn rumah.. bising!! sorry neghbers!!! huhu.. kwn2 saye suka dtg rumah saya sbb mak saya masak sedap sangat!! hehehehe.. every year pun rase mcm my hse dh jd tmpt perjumpaan scool frens.. to all, thx for coming..
Saturday, October 18, 2008
went to pavi with jarir, bought us some stuff then had our lunch at tony romas.. ya allah, sejuk nk mampos, dh la minum air sampai 2 cawan, nk terkench la kn.. hahaha..
usually on saturday all of my family will gather at atok's hse, but on syawal seems like semua got lot things to do, open hse summore, so x jumpe la all the kazens for 2weeks in a row.. rinduuuu la kt diorg.. waaaaaaaaaa.. nvmnd, "maklong!!! will muncul after raya celebration habis eh".. hehehe..
went to kak abby's hse, eating+gossiping+cam whoring=penat la kn, wutelse.. rumah kak abby ni dh jd mcm rutin plak, every year oso hv to go.. why?? cos i jez love talking with her, mcm2 cite klua, never bored.. since now she has a baby to look for, so nk borak pun terbantut bantut.. but still, can borak with others yg rasenye x pernah nk abis topic.. even pasal dat jelly agar2 pun boleh jd tajuk..
usually on saturday all of my family will gather at atok's hse, but on syawal seems like semua got lot things to do, open hse summore, so x jumpe la all the kazens for 2weeks in a row.. rinduuuu la kt diorg.. waaaaaaaaaa.. nvmnd, "maklong!!! will muncul after raya celebration habis eh".. hehehe..
went to kak abby's hse, eating+gossiping+cam whoring=penat la kn, wutelse.. rumah kak abby ni dh jd mcm rutin plak, every year oso hv to go.. why?? cos i jez love talking with her, mcm2 cite klua, never bored.. since now she has a baby to look for, so nk borak pun terbantut bantut.. but still, can borak with others yg rasenye x pernah nk abis topic.. even pasal dat jelly agar2 pun boleh jd tajuk..
p/s: kak ab, i want dat planetrium pic, can?? plsssss.. ingt lg kene duduk kt tangga, haha..
Thursday, October 16, 2008
stay up till 7am searching info on "microstrip transmission line" for puteri's assignment.. since tdy got no class, so buat amal jariah la dgn puts nie.. hish, gonna tell bonda someday bout anak die yg suka but keje last minit nie.. sleep at 830am, woke up ard 2pm, got no mood to mandi so do some editing for yaya's pic then watched 21(best woooo, "in vegas u can become anyone u want").. woohoooo.. then later ard 5pm tido lagi, sooo like piggie wiggie.. huhu..
suppose 2moro got business law's class at 3pm, since puts ajak balik kl 2nite, so kinda skip the class la kn.. haha.. ponteng amalan mulia kawan2.. nahhh, sekali sekala, no harm la.. theeee heeeee.. then otw back, pit stop at malis, had my breakfast-lunch-dinner.. hahaha..
suppose 2moro got business law's class at 3pm, since puts ajak balik kl 2nite, so kinda skip the class la kn.. haha.. ponteng amalan mulia kawan2.. nahhh, sekali sekala, no harm la.. theeee heeeee.. then otw back, pit stop at malis, had my breakfast-lunch-dinner.. hahaha..
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Top 10 Tips to Stay Energized All Day
545am at the moment, jez finished study for 2nite's islamic finance test.. ade ke buat mlm2 test, haishhhh.. nothing to tell/comlplaint/nagging about, so i'd like to share with u guys dis tips dat i accidently browse in yahoos..
Top 10 Tips to Stay Energized All Day
by Monique Ryan, MS, RD
1. Start the day right. Yes, that means breakfast. Combine a whole grain with fruit, skim dairy, or soy milk, and even add some lean protein to the mix to sustain energy levels throughout the morning. Cooked oatmeal with yogurt and a banana or Lite Mueslix with soy milk and blueberries are good choices.
2. Have a mid-morning snack. Combine a protein and a carbohydrate. It is fine to be hungry mid-morning, so honor your hunger and give your body fuel when it is asking for it. Try yogurt with a peach, low fat string cheese with an apple, or cottage cheese and grapes.
3. Eat lunch on time. Don't push back lunch until you are ravenous. Instead, eat your mid-day fuel right on time to keep your blood glucose levels nice and steady.
4. Boost your mental energy. Nature's nutrition for the brain are omega-3 fatty acids. Add light tuna or salmon to your lunchtime food choices, in addition to walnuts, tofu, and canola oil. Healthy fat keep you feeling full for a longer period of time, so add small amounts to meals and snacks. Some good choices include avocado and almonds.
5. Start the day with moderate caffeine levels and keep caffeine intake modest. While it does increase mental energy, too much caffeine may lead to energy highs and then lows, and it can interferes with quality sleep.
6. Limit processed foods high in sugar. Avoid the office candy jar, treats, and vending machine whenever possible. Processed foods do not provide sustained energy and can result in low-energy moments during the day.
7. Consume foods high in folate. Higher levels of blood folate have been associated with faster and better thought processing. Good sources include lentils, chickpeas, black beans, asparagus, broccoli, avocado, and orange juice. Also important are vitamins B6, found in bananas and spinach, and B12, found in lean proteins and skim dairy products.
8. Have an afternoon snack. If dinner is late or if you have an evening workout scheduled, fruits, vegetables, and low-fat yogurt provide energizing carbohydrate.
9. Consume complex carbohydrates that contain fiber. The fiber allows the carbohydrates to be released more slowly, providing sustained energy. Opt for whole grain bread, whole wheat pasta, brown rice, and whole grain cereals.
10. Stay hydrated. About two-thirds of our body is water, and dehydration can contribute to reduced energy levels. About 80% of the fluid we consume comes from the fluids we drink, and the other 20% comes from foods. Always drink when you are thirsty, and have water available during the day to hydrate regularly.
Monday, October 13, 2008
on oct 10th, 2008 cik yaya kite officially known as Mrs Zul.. huhu.. congrats dear.. pening gak tgkp gmbr for kwn2 nie, while snaping snaping, frens dtg ramai2 kumpul2, join la diorg then borak2 summore, bile nk buat keje??.. hahaha.. ok la tuh.. ngeeeee.. the event is so simple tp sgt perfect.. i loikeeee.. the foodddddd ya allah x pyh cakap la, sedapnyeeeeeee.. hmmmm, barely see yaya in make up mode, soooo, kind a terpegun skit la kn.. hehehe.. she's so beautiful.. yes yaya, x tipu nie, ikhlas.. hehe.. zul as alwiz la kn, kelam kelibut jek, with the sakit perutnye, tu yg 2 kali lafaz tu ek.. haha.. nvmd, sah dah.. nway zul, dis one is for u:-
Be Good To My Girl
be good to my girl.. thats all i ask..
she now belongs to you.. be kind to her..
take care of her, for i still love her too..
my best friend always, yes, i know,
my beloved friend but your wife...
i knew she'd have to go someday..
i dont complain, thats life..
the only thing that matters is that
she is going to be loved and happy..
that is all that really counts with me..
so upon this day of days
when hearts are in a whirl,
i want to say just this once more;
be good to her, my yaya!!

Be Good To My Girl
be good to my girl.. thats all i ask..
she now belongs to you.. be kind to her..
take care of her, for i still love her too..
my best friend always, yes, i know,
my beloved friend but your wife...
i knew she'd have to go someday..
i dont complain, thats life..
the only thing that matters is that
she is going to be loved and happy..
that is all that really counts with me..
so upon this day of days
when hearts are in a whirl,
i want to say just this once more;
be good to her, my yaya!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
2moro yaya's getting married, so dis past few days asyik belek gmbr2 masa dulu2.. x sangke, pejam celik, nk kawen dh yaya.. huhu.. bile pikir blk, kelakar campur sedey gak la.. dulu mase yaya break dgn zul, sian kt yaya.. after few years, yaya jumpe blk zul.. dh jodoh org kate, lekat balik dua2 ni.. tp tu la, tuhan tu maha adil, die kasi satu, die tarik yg lain.. still fresh dlm ingatan time insiden rumah sewa yaya dgn chap kene masuk pencurik.. zul dtg kt balai as one of the suspek(hahaha, sape suh ade kunci rumah sewa tu, x pasal2 jek).. i told yaya dat myb becos of dis, she and zul will get back 2gede.. masin nyah mulut makkkk, terus contact2 blk, now kawen dh hah.. haha.. tp sbb insiden ni jugak la, kami dh x mcm kami.. ade la sbb musababnye.. sedeyyyy tp nk wat cemane kn, as people say, fren love come n go, memory remains forever.. so no more yaya dayah nina chap farah & lana, now sume sendirian bhd.. adoiyaiiiii..
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
i think i shud go buat check up la, tdy demam dtg blk, sejuk tulang2 la.. hopefully nothing serious, dh la exam week ni.. haishhhh.. tdy class start at 4pm, so dpt la tido lama skit, get some rest, redakn skit demam ni.. here hujan selebat lebatnye, usually ard 6pm lecturer kasi blk dh, tp kul 7pm pun still lebat lg, how nk blk mehh.. then later go dinner with put and sara at reenas.. since org still cuti raya, byk kedai x bkk kt hulu ni, terpaksa la mkn kt kedai pkck blur.. kemas2 rumah, sapu2, mop2, buat lawak byk2 sampi puteri nk muntah, and now bloggy2 jap.. thee heeee..
Sunday, October 5, 2008
2moro start kelas oredi, arghhhhhhhh tension.. ade test plak tu, business law plak tu.. subjek pusing2 x phm, ni la die.. adoiyaiiii.. demam ok dah, but still ade sakit2 tulang lg.. since washing machine rosak, baju bertimbun x basuh, 2moro going back to uni oredi, so tdy br terhegeh nk cuci baju, hujan plak, for sure x kering.. so ask around where to find self service laundry yg masuk coin tu, yg ade dryer tu.. tanye punye tanye, ade la kat subang area asia cafe.. WTF, jauhnye.. well, wat to do, hv to la kn.. btway, bilik kemas oredi.. huhu.. oh ya, x jd pegi pun cuci baju, next week blk kl br cuci la.. hahaha..
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Raya?? for me it's wear nice baju kurung/melayu, go to sedara mara's hse, eat eat eat and collect money and then go home watch rancangan hari raya.. nothing special, for me at least.. prolly bcos of dis, every saturday nite, all sedara mara will gather at atok's hse @ ampang jaya, so we kind a meet everybody there.. when raya, the different is the baju.. for me raya is only from 11am-8pm.. then blk rumah tukar baju, tgk tv.. dr kecik x pernah rase raya kt kg, main meriam buluh ke, play with the lintah kt bendang ke etc.. ombak jahat ombak jahat ombak jahat!! who has kg yg die bleh kasik kt lana, nk boleh?? x pun, next year u guys blk kg, do bring me along.. tp kn best raya kt kl nie, got no jam maaaaaaa.. mlm2 ronda2 tgk lampu pun hati senang.. huhu..
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