2am, buli apiz and sham angkt almari, hahaha.. not buli, mntk tlg.. maklumlah, nk sewa lori dh suntuk, lg pun ade 2 3 almari jek.. sedey rase nk buang study table tu.. isk isk isk.. funny thing is, while searching for a place nk cmpk all those almari, apiz bwk laju, so tang corner tu, almari pun senget, naseb la x jatuh tgh jln, if not cars all behind for sure eksiden beramai2.. haha.. after penat gelak and campak2 brg, we all go for our last sahur for dis year's ramadhan at NZ.. dh kate pg2 buta, berembun, so me flu getting worst la.. demam dtg balik!!

all day long, ejaz the only one who help mummy with all the
chores, adik2 die nie tlg skit2 jek.. maklumlah, unwell..
im lucky enuff to hv a brother like him.. luv u ejaz!! p/s: kemas my bilik
can hah?? theee heeee..
as every year is, after isya' org masjid will come over for takbir raya..
ade la dis uncle ask my brother, "AYAH DH MENINGGAL YA??"..
gulp, nk gelak ade, sedey pun ade.. ayah hidup lg pkck.. huhu.. aiseymen, cant blame him,
we oso barely see him.. he has no time for us nimore, work work work,
racing racing racing, bla bla bla bla..